Andromeda and Ted Tonks!

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  24th December 1972

It was now Christmas after a not so eventful term at school. When Cassie woke up it was 4am and she did not want to be awake, Sirius thought it was a lovely idea to wake everyone up by playing 'Santa Claus is coming to town' from his record player which was no doubt going to be burned by his angry mother any second. She heard her mother stomping to Sirius's room "INCENDIO" Walburga shouted. Cassie was right. She knew she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so she got out some of her school books and read up on some jinxes, she knew Bella would want to teach her today for when she goes  back to school. 

Cassie had fallen back asleep with her book on her face and her nose hurt from it she got up and got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast but her mother was running around like a headless chicken trying to organise last minute things. When Sirius came downstairs he avoided his mother for obvious reasons and he waited for Andromeda to turn up, Meda was Sirius's favourite while Cissa was Cassie's and Bella was Regulus's, that's how it had always been. Of course this didn't mean that they didn't get along with the other two it was just based on how close they were.

The three sisters turned up soon enough and each went to one of the twins and Sirius. All 6 cousins met in the living room and spoke to each other. 

When it was dinner Walburga was sat at one of the ends of the table while Orion was sat on the other while Cygnus, Druella, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda, Sirius, Cassiopeia and Regulus sat in the middle. 

"Why do you all hate muggles and muggle-borns?"  Sirius asked serious. "They are not as good as us" Walburga answered simply. "How can they be less than us if they don't know we exist, they only have to be better than each other" Andromeda defended. "Andromeda!" Druella said shocked. Narcissa suddenly looked very uncomfortable so Cassie put a reassuring hand over Narcissa's hand. "She's not wrong" Sirius helped but quickly shut up when his mother gave him a warning glare, he knew better than to annoy his mother now after the record player incident. "I just mean they aren't below us" Andromeda said as if she hadn't just told them all other than Sirius that what they believed in was wrong. "I've had enough of this nonsense you've been going on for Salazar knows how long " Cygnus told her. "But I'm not wrong" Andromeda said. "This is what we believe in girl" Orion said coldly. "Correct it's what you believe in, not what I believe in" Andromeda started before standing up and taking a deep breath. "Which is why I'm leaving, it's best for us all" Andromeda finished. Sirius's smile dropped, Narcissa's grip on Cassie's hand got tighter, Bellatrix paled and Regulus looked as if he may be sick. "Accio trunk" Andromeda said quietly. "You can't leave you blood traitor!" Druella screeched looking slightly sad. Walburga was smirking. "She's a blood traitor Druella" Walburga said pleased. Everyone knew the two women hated each other so why they acted so kind to each other no one knew. Narcissa stood up quickly while Andromeda turned around to leave. "It's because of him isn't it!?" She asked angry. "Cissa" Andromeda started, "Your choosing that mud blood over us! I can't believe it, you told me it was over between you two Andy!" Narcissa started. "Is this true Andromeda!" Bellatrix shouted, Andromeda sighed "Yes but I love him" Andromeda answered, Narcissa started to tear up. She couldn't lose her sister. Sirius looked helpless, Regulus was looking at his hands, Cassie was looking dead straight, Bella was angry, Narcissa was sad and Andromeda looked guilty. "I'm sorry but I must leave, I have to meet him" Andromeda said starting to cry. "Who is he?" Regulus asked so quiet you could barely hear him. Andromeda's face softened, she'd almost forgotten her little cousins were there. "Ted Tonks" Andromeda answered him and gave her sisters and cousins one last sad look and left. 

After that everything was chaos but Walburga seemed to be pleased with the entertainment well at least to her it was entertainment anyway. Cygnus, Druella, Bellatrix and Narcissa were staying the night because of the events of the night. Cassie took Narcissa to her room and they got into their Pjs and Cissa was crying on Cassie's shoulder while Cassie tried to comfort her and that's how they fell asleep and also how Orion found them in the morning but left them as he couldn't imagine if his sister Lucretia was disowned and how he'd feel. Cassie woke up in the middle of the night and saw the tear stained Cissa and felt bad for her but decided to speak to her in the morning and went back to sleep. That night Regulus didn't sleep, Sirius cried and Bellatrix got angrier and angrier and vowed to herself that Ted Tonks would never see the light of day again.


A/n: Sorry this is short I'm writing it really late and I'm still preparing a chapter for later in the story. I want to tell you all about two other chapters I've been thinking about as well, ones called truth serum and regrets and the other doesn't have a name but includes a hopefully well timed Bohemian Rhapsody and running in the rain which I'm excited for.

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