Christmas Break

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Cassie mentally decided she underestimated how loud her mothers voice could get as she watched her mother and Sirius have a screaming match for what had to be the 10th time that day over Christmas dinner as Sirius decided to mention that muggles and muggleborns and blood traitors aren't bad just to see how red his mother would get. This how all of Cassie's Christmas was, Sirius starts a row their mother gets angry and it ends with Sirius being crucioed, their mother and father laughing and Regulus and Cassiopeia trying to keep their tears in so they don't get 'punished' too. The only difference this time is that her 3 cousins and uncle and aunty were there, Bellatrix looked angry and sad, Narcissa looked emotionless, Andromeda stared at her food and looked distracted, her aunty Druella looked appalled at Sirius and her uncle Cygnus looked pleased and angry as even if Sirius isn't his son he's still his family and is still a blood traitor.

When dinner was over Sirius and their Mother were still arguing so they all had to leave the room and Cassie waited, she waited for what she knew was coming, what must happen for the arguing to stop, the moment all of the Black cousins dreaded and then it happened. Sirius's blood curdling scream carried around the whole house. Every adult and child stopped and looked at the door to the dining room. All wondering if any of them would ever be brave enough to put a stop to the agony Sirius was in. If they'd ever stop the agony they all go through. If any of them did become brave enough, today was certainly not that day and they all stood there watching the living room door listening to Sirius's screams and pleads to try make his mother stop, waiting for it to stop.

When it did stop the house was silent. Then they could hear Walburga's final warning "You are a Black and we do not speak to blood traitors and mud bloods so this better be the last time I hear of you speaking to them or you won't be as lucky next time". The warning sent a shiver down their spines, it reminded the adults of their childhood and warned the children of what was to come if they had a single hair out of line.

The rest of Christmas was spent by Cassie and Reggie avoiding the family and comforting each other whenever their brother and mother started fighting again. The 2 twins were sat in the drawing room looking at the family tree when their father came in he sat in front of them "Cassiopeia I would like to speak with you in my office for a moment" their Father Orion said to her so Cassie got up and followed her father to his study she sat on one side of the table while he sat on the other "In a few years time me and your mother will be dead and you and your brothers and all of their children, all of us dead, all of us rotting in the ground the family name that lives on, it's all that lives on" Orion said putting it to the point. Cassie was shocked and didn't know what to say. "You and your brother will be going to hogwarts soon, you will have to decide what type of person you want to be and I ask you to remember what I said when you do" Orion asked of her. Cassiopeia knew her father didn't leave the study much or speak to people much and he especially never lets anyone in his study so she knew it must be important if he had done all of the things he never does. "Of course Father" Cassie replied and walked out the study wondering what could've made her father decide to tell her that.
When Cassie got back to the drawing room Regulus was on his back looking at the ceiling "Do you think Mother will forgive Sirius?" Regulus asked his sister and Cassie went to answer but she couldn't because she didn't know, she didn't know if she was going to have to listen to Sirius's screams forever or if it would all go back to normal or at least as normal as it could get. "Honestly I don't know" Cassiopeia answered wishing she knew and wishing the screaming would stop, she didn't know if she'd be imagining it but she could hear the screams in her sleep they were faint but they were there and they often woke her up in a fright but whenever she woke up it stopped. She lay down next to Reggie and they stayed there but at some point they must've fallen asleep because when Cassie opened her eyes it was morning, she woke Regulus up so they wouldn't get in trouble for falling asleep on the floor and they both went into their rooms to get dressed and they were both pleased to find that their Mother was out for the day so her and Sirius couldn't argue although Regulus thought they'd probably find a way. What the twins didn't consider is the fact that if their mother is gone so is their father so they were alone with Sirius. They hadn't had a conversation with Sirius since they'd dropped him off at the station back in September so they had no idea what to expect, Sirius came down for breakfast and quickly realised his parents weren't home and went to find his siblings and he eventually found them in the living room. "Morning" Sirius greeted cheerfully and the twins looked up at him. They looked nervous. They knew it was silly as he's their brother and even if he is a blood traitor the rest of the family speak to him but to be fair they usually speak to him to shout at him so they didn't know what to do. Eventually one of them answered "Morning" Regulus said dully and Sirius looked over to them and his smile faulted he saw the way they looked nervous and confused at him. "Honestly I thought I'd get some normal from you two, clearly not" Sirius sighed walking out the room "Sirius wait!" Cassie said and Sirius stopped, she wasn't sure what to do she hadn't thought this far "Your our brother we just don't want you to get hurt for talking to us" Cassie saved and it wasn't a complete lie she really didn't want Sirius to get hurt it just wasn't necessarily the reason for them acting weird to him. That was another thing the Blacks were good at. Lying. "Ok I'm sorry I over reacted, I can't wait for you two to start Hogwarts!" Sirius said excited and Cassiopeia mentally sighed glad her brother bought it. That's how they spent the rest of the day. Sirius told them about Hogwarts and what he called 'bent the truth a bit' because he didn't want them to know everything he got up to just in case their mother read their minds and saw all the pranks, Cassiopeia bent the truth about what had been happening at home because the truth was it was a nightmare that only seemed to get worse as the days go on but she didn't want to worry Sirius and Regulus let himself be selfish and took in being with Sirius and Cassiopeia. Something told Regulus that that would be the last time they were all together happy. He had no idea how right he was.
A/n: Just wanted to say that the thing that Orion tells Cassie is from an edit I saw which is from a film so credit to the actor I do not own the quote and my fan cast for Cassie as she gets older is Hailee Steinfeld.

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