Regulus was right

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It's now Cassie's summer before she goes into 4th year and if you thought the arguing was bad before then you'd be shocked about the arguing now. Sirius screams had got louder and more drained, Walburga was getting more desperate to stop Sirius from being a blood traitor, Orion was getting more stressed, Regulus was restless, Bellatrix was going crazy, Andromeda was disowned, Narcissa was scared and Cassie was trying to keep them all together so they don't all explode. That's why they were grateful for Cassie even Walburga and Orion were, she kept them from falling apart. When one of them was struggling to keep their heads above the water Cassie was there. When one of them were sad she was there. When there was anything wrong with anyone she was there. Regulus worried about Cassie though, she kept them all together but no one was keeping her together. Regulus tried to be there for her but she always insisted she's fine but today it's her birthday and there is a big party planned and nothing could go wrong.

With Walburga and Orion gone it gave the two twins time to plan a party for themselves. They'd never had a birthday party before. Sirius had heard of the twins party but didn't plan on making a appearance. Sirius and the twins hardly talked and when they did they argued. Sirius couldn't believe the twins were like his parents and the twins couldn't believe Sirius wasn't. They still cared for each other but they would never show it.

There was an hour before the party and everything was set up. The pure bloods rules for this party were similar to their rules for Slytherin meaning there would be muggle music and muggle food, Sirius didn't know about this but he might've shown up if he did.

When the guests started to arrive the twins were ecstatic, especially when Chloe and Barry arrived. The party was in full swing and the twins had found their way to the drinks table, fire whiskey and something the muggles called Vodka and another muffle drink Gin but Cassie knew how strong those were from an unfortunate game of truth or dare so she tried to stay clear of it but that didn't stop her from downing fire whiskey after fire whiskey. "Heyyyy Cass" Chloe said slurred obviously drunk. "Heyyy Chlo" Cassie replied a bit slurred but no where near as drunk as Chloe, "I saw Siriusss with a bag" Chloe chuckled slurring his name. "What?" Cassie asked seriously, "Yeah he was packing for somethinggg" Chloe said wandering back into the croud. Cassie grabbed Regulus's arm like she had at the boats on their first day as he had also stayed clear of the drink and pulled him to Sirius's room.

There Sirius was packing all his things into a suitcase "What are you doing!?" Cassie shouted shocked at the sight. "Leaving, I'm going to the Potter's" Sirius said carelessly. "For how long?" Cassie asked, that's when Sirius stopped he thought his brother and sister knew what he was doing "I'm not coming back Cassie" Sirius sighed and started to walk to the door. "You can't!" Regulus exclaimed "I have to Reg, you know what it's like for me here" Sirius explained "But we'll be alone and we won't be able to speak to you, you know mother will disown you when she returns!" Regulus begged. Sirius didn't answer straight away he just looked at his brother and sister "I'm leaving I'm sorry, your still my siblings"Sirius started but he got cut off by Cassie "Siblings! Siblings! You never speak to us so don't tell me that crap, you don't care about us, you never have" Sirius didn't know what to say but then he started to scowl "Your the ones who stopped talking to me" Sirius said still scowling. "We tried! But you didn't let us speak to you because you have the marauders!" Regulus shouted back "Your not our brother, you stopped being our brother the second we got into Slytherin because you hate Slytherins, it didn't matter we were your siblings you still didn't care! So leave" Cassie said deadpanned. "Cass" Regulus started trying to calm his twin sister "Fine" Sirius replied with an unreadable facial expression and walked away and then the twins heard a slam of the front door and they knew. Sirius was gone. They were on there own.

An hour later the twins had sat in front of Sirius's room door "I'm sorry I don't know why I said that but- he was saying he's sorry but he doesn't get to be sorry and I'm not going to forgive him" Cassie apologised "I know you didn't mean to Cass but we'll be ok" Regulus assured her. The twins then heard the last thing they wanted to. The screech of their mother returning. They heard Walburga storming up the stairs and when she reached the stairs "Where's your horrid brother!?" Walburga demanded when the twins didn't answer she went into Sirius's room and saw it empty "Sirius!" Their mother shouted. "I'm going to sleep you should to" Regulus told Cassie "in a minute" she replied so Regulus walked away and their mother came out and grabbed Cassie by the hair to pull her away. "Mother!" Cassie exclaimed confused.
Walburga pushed Cassie into a room "Where's Sirius" Walburga asked. Cassie thought about it and decided she couldn't tell her mother where Sirius had gone because Merlin knows what she'd to him. "I don't know" she answered calmly and she got slapped across the face by her mother "don't lie to me girl" Walburga warned. "I'm not" Cassie promised and received another slapped across the face, this time harder. "Where is the horrible boy" Walburga asked again. Cassiopeia said nothing. "WHERE IS HE" Walburga screamed "I DON'T KNOW" Cassie shouted back just as loud. "Let me see if I can jog your memory then" Walburga smirked "Crucio!" Walburga screeched. Cassie felt as if her insides were being ripped out and her skin was being burned and her body was being ripped apart and being put back together. Her screams filled the house and the party stopped.

Bella and Cissa were downstairs and they knew exactly what was happening, they made everyone leave and stopped the music. They woke up Regulus and the three ran to where the screams were coming from but the door was locked. "WHERE IS HE" Walburga asked again still having Cassie under the painful curse, Cassie couldn't answer, she couldn't move, all she could do was scream and cry. Bella, Cissa and Regulus were hitting the door. None of them were ever under the Cruciatus curse this long. The curse finally stopped and Cassie felt numb. "Where is he" Walburga once again asked "Burn in hell" is all Cassie managed before her mother but her back under the curse and her screams returned. This continued all night until Walburga decided to use legilimens to read Cassie's mind and Cassie used the last of her strength to put her occlumency walls up so her mother couldn't read her mind before she went unconscious from the pain.
Walburga stepped out the room to find a sleeping Bellatrix, Narcissa and Regulus outside the room. She ignored them and went back to her room.

When Cassie woke up she saw 4 faces, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Regulus and Andromeda. "Meda!" Cassie croaked from all the screaming. "We invited her because none of us are any good at healing spells" Narcissa explained and Cassie nodded her head. "Why was Walburga 'punishing' you anyway" Andromeda asked "Sirius ran away and she wanted know where he is but I told her I don't know" Cassie said carelessly "But you do know where he went" Regulus asked confused. "I may not think of Sirius like a brother but he's still blood. Disowned or not." Cassie explained.

Andromeda left and so did Bellatrix, Regulus went to his room and Narcissa hugged Cassiopeia the same way Cassiopeia hugged Narcissa when Andromeda ran away. Regulus was right when he thought that Christmas on his first year would be the last time Sirius, him and Cassie were happy together. Now Regulus was the heir. Now Regulus was in the spotlight for everyone to see.
A/n: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I will of written this a while before it's posted because I decided to write it and put it in my drafts until I wanted to post it. I don't really like this chapter I'm not very good at writing scenes like this so I may change the chapter at some point.
Remember to sleep and eat and drink as much as you can. <3
- E

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