The Slytherin's and the Gryffindor's

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The next morning was chaos, there were girls with missing clothes everywhere. You might be confused what I mean by that so let me elaborate, every first year Slytherins clothes other than Regulus and Cassie's had gone missing. Why Cassie and Regulus still had there clothes was beyond them but they obviously weren't mad. So all the first years were marching to the great hall in PJs wondering where their clothes had gone but all became clear when they all walked through the door, Regulus and Cassiopeia included cause they were also confused, the famous marauders were ready with a camera and laughing their heads off. Of course the marauders were Remus Lupin, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black, the last member automatically explained why they still had their clothes and were in their school uniform while the rest of their year were in their PJs.

The Ravenclaw's, Hufflepuff's and Gryffindor's were laughing their heads off and even some of the Slytherins were trying to stifle their laughter. Ignoring the glances they got from the rest of their school for still having uniform the two twins went and sat with Cissa not even showing a single sign of laughing, they knew better than to risk their mother and father finding out they laughed at something so 'childish'. Soon the marauders got a detention and the first years clothes were returned. Everyone believed James Potter cast the spell to make the clothes disappear but Cassie thought it was Remus Lupin as she doesn't believe James seems that smart and Lupin seems so innocent, and it's always the innocent ones right? That was another things about the Black's they always trust their gut not their heart, nothing good ever came from a Black who trusted their heart. 

While sat at the table with Cissa, Regulus and Barty another girl came up to them and sat down. "Blood status?" Cissa asked the girl sceptically. The girl smiled, she had brunette hair and brown eyes and she looked fairly tall for her age too. "I'm Chloe Goldi, pureblood and part of the sacred 28" Chloe responded proudly. Cissa nodded her head in satisfaction and continued talking to Lucius, "I'm Cassiopeia Black but you can call me Cassie, this is my twin brother Regulus and this is Barty Crouch Jr" Cassie introduced. Her mother would be pleased she's making connections.  "Hello" Chloe greeted while serving her food. Something told Cassie her and Chloe would get on just fine and like I said a Black always trusts their gut. "Hello" Cassie greeted back.

Later that day when it was night and Chloe, Regulus, Cassie and Barty were sat in the common room talking when Cassie felt something almost liquid brush against her but she knew that it's impossible so she pushed the thought to the back of her mind. There was no way that was a invisibility cloak. "You ok Cass?" Regulus asked worried "Oh umm yeah just got distracted that's all", Another thing the Blacks are good at. Lying. Cassie was not fine she couldn't get the feeling of being watched out of her head. So Cassie got up "I'm going for a walk" She told the others who were confused as it was past curfew and she would get detention if she was caught. Cassie walked out of the common room, the feeling was still there. She walked out of the stairway from the dungeons, the feeling was still there. She started walking up to the astrology tower, still there. She got to the top of the tower, still there. The feeling seemed to get worse on the tower so she turned around and saw a rat watching her in the floor. She sighed relieved it was just a rat, she picked up the rat. "So it's you that's been following me, there's me getting scared for nothing" She chuckled and looked at the rat, she thought it looked familiar but ignored the thought because she could be comfy in bed if she hadn't got paranoid.

"I don't get much privacy at home so when I got the feeling I was being watched I got scared... and now I'm talking to a rat, wow Sirius is right I really am loosing it" She laughed, she heard a chuckle. She knew she wasn't being paranoid about that. She looked at the direction the chuckle came from but there was nothing there, she scrunched up her eyebrows annoyed she doesn't know what or rather who was there. Maybe it was a invisibility cloak she began to think but she shook her head and decided to go to sleep because she clearly needed it if she was hearing familiar chuckles and recognising rats. "I really need to go to sleep before I completely lose it" She said to herself but there it was. The chuckle again. She ignored it because she couldn't be asked to find out who's watching her or where they're hiding. "I don't know who's following me or where you are but I'm leaving now and I'd appreciate it if you stopped being a creep and didn't watch me sleep or follow me" Cassie said to the air, sure that she had already lost it. She walked back to her dorm and she saw Chloe, Barty and Regulus must've gone to bed and she went to sleep. 


A/n: There will be in all of my chapters, hints to Cassie's personality, her thoughts and actions and simple things I write will indicate who she is and wants to be. There will be parallels between chapters and most things will not be as they seem. I felt like I was writing about Alice in wonderland then. Sorry this chapter has taken so long, I've been busy with school and I was writing a chapter for later in the story that I'm modifying. 

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