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"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"Thanks Honey, but this is something I've gotta do on my own."

Bucky was going to make amends with the last person on his list - Yori. He had to tell him the truth about his son. 

"I understand. I'll be waiting downstairs for you."

"Thanks." She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and with that, he disappeared down the hall to Yori's apartment. Her heart ached for him and what he had to do, but knew it was for the best, as Dr. Raynor had said. 

Yori being the last name to cross off on his amends list, Bucky packed the now completed notebook in a gift bag and sent it along with a card to Dr. Raynor, thanking her for all her help. Carina brought the gift bag and card with her during her first appointment with the doc.

"So Carina," Dr. Raynor said as they sat down to begin their session.  "Since I've already got your background information, we can jump right into it. What would you like to start with and discuss today?"

"Well, I still have a lot I need to heal. I don't think I've had any time for me to heal. I've just been jumping from one thing to the next for decades, losing and regaining, losing and regaining over and over again, and its left me thinking I'm going to lose everything again in an instant. I'm so overprotective with Bucky - someone can barley speak to him without me jumping into defensive mode because I'm worried they'll take him away all over again. But he's here and we have a life now.  I want to heal all that - I need to heal all that." She paused.  "Is that a good place to start?"

The doc gave a slight smile.  "Perfect."


"Hey Wilsons!"

The Wilsons and all their neighbours and friends were having a cookout to celebrate the new Captain America and the positive step forward. 

Bucky and Carina were invited of course.  AJ and Cass immediately ran up to Bucky, pretending to throw punches, Bucky playing along, pretending to toss the cake in his hand at them.

"Buenos días amigos!" Carina called.  "We brought cake!"

The children cheered. 

A group of people were dancing on the docks while a long line stretched beside it of people waiting to get a photo with Sam.  Bucky was chatting with Sarah, a couple of kids hanging off his outstretched  metal arm. 

"Show off," Carina chuckled.  He just winked and grinned back.

"You know, I've been thinking," she began as they sat with their slices of cake later.  "I know way, way, way back when we first talked about getting married we talked about having a family. I know so much has changed since then, but would you still be open to that?"

His face lit up even more than it already was, as it had been all afternoon. "Yeah, of course I would be."

She smiled.  "Me too.  I think the traditional way isn't an option for us anymore for obvious reasons, but there's always adoption.  There are so many kids who need a home, especially after the Blip was reversed." 

"That sounds great, Carrie - not that we have to stop trying the traditional way."

She laughed.  "No, we can keep trying."

He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close and pressing a kiss to her temple while she leaned into him.  "Being so out of our time like we are, I didn't think I'd ever feel in the right place, or that I belonged again," he admitted, gazing around at the joyous celebration taking place around them, the laughter, smiling faces, the welcoming atmosphere. "But here, I do."

Her smile stretched further, and she nodded in full agreement.  "So do I. Captain America, White Wolf and Spark - I think we've found our place."

(Well that's it, that's the end! I've had so much fun writing this story and hope that you have enjoyed reading it as well! :)

I have started a Loki story  that will follow the Disney+ series starting in June so stay tuned for that if you're interested in more Marvel stories from me!

Once again, thank you so much for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed overall! :))

To Have and to Hold - Bucky Barnes (TFATWS)Where stories live. Discover now