Though, she was only earned a scoff in response from the bushy-haired girl, "Mhm, yeah, she just so apparently, 'appeared'." she deadpanned, though she didn't let the Ravenclaw respond as she took a step closer, her eyes piercing through the Ravenclaw's though she didn't shy away, instead she stood there, returning the same angered look.

"Okay, so let's say she just 'appeared' right?" The bushy-haired girl smiled wickedly. The Ravenclaw huffed as she let out a sarcastic breathless chuckle, "She did just 'appear'."

The bushy-haired girl kept her malicious smile and nodded, " she appears and you choose to tell every single information about your life. Including the ones you've never told us, not any of your friends, not Harry and not even your own girlfriend." she growled under her breath.

The Ravenclaw let out a breathless laugh as she stood there with her arms crossed, "I have no clue what you're talking about." she retaliated nonchalantly with a shrug, though the bushy-haired girl only played along as she shook her head amusingly.

"Playing dumb now, are we?. Would you like me to remind you of the events?" the bushy-haired girl deadpanned, though the Ravenclaw didn't respond.

"Let me see, oh yes, a dream. A dream about your father that could potentially be an indication of something dangerous, or at least some information about your past, remember now?" she splutterd out.

Y/N's eyes widened slightly, her eyebrows furrowed back together, "How did you know.." she murmured softly, though not soft enough as the bushy-haired girl could just about hear the whisper.

Hermione scoffed as she turned away from the Ravenclaw, pacing around the room before standing still, back facing the Ravenclaw, "I ask myself the same question too, but, the other way around." she murmured as she turned around.

Her expression was still fumed with anger but the Ravenclaw could make out the slight disappointment and sadness within her expression, "Why didn't I know?" she whispered disenchantedly.

The Ravenclaw started to feel a little remorse running through her body, letting out a deep sigh before glancing back to the bushy-haired girl, "Look, Mione I can explain, I didn't think it was important, it's just a dream."

"Yeah? If it was just a dream why was it so hard to tell us? Why was it so hard to tell me?"  the bushy-haired girl questioned, her voice trembling slightly.

Though, it didn't help that the Ravenclaw just stood there silent, her lips pursed together as she averted her gaze from the bushy-haired girl.

Hermione scoffed, a small pool of water started to form in her eyes but she held them back, "I find it funny. Funny that you told a complete stranger-"

"She's not just a complete stranger." Y/N interjected sternly, earning a slightly stunned look from the bushy-haired girl as she eyed the Ravenclaw unbelievably.

"You're really defending her right now?" the bushy-haired girl huffed, earning a frustrated groan from the Ravenclaw, "I'm not defending her nor am I attacking her! Would you just put your jealousy a side? Angelique had nothing to do with the dream! Stop dragging her into this like she's some type of evil lunatic! I can be friends with whoever I like! With that being said my life has nothing whatsoever to do with you!"

The bushy-haired girl stood there, stunned, her eyes were now glittering with the pool of water that was about to overflow anytime soon.

The Ravenclaw's eyes immediately widened, realising what she had just said, the feeling of guilt ran through her entire body as she watched a tear trickle down slowly the bushy-haired girl's cheek, "Shit, Mione I didn't mean it like that. I-"

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