The rest of your internship was pretty uneventful, though just as tiring, but you found yourself getting better stamina, and a few muscles were starting to show.

Neither you nor Todoroki had spoken about the night you had slept next to him. You weren't very fond of the silent treatment, but there wasn't much to discuss, and now the two of you were basically even.

Soon enough, you were all back at school. It felt refreshing -being at UA again. Iida and Midoriya seemed fine, although Iida's arms were still in casts.

All and all, everyone seemed to be doing fine. You were, too.

That was, at least, until the final exams were announced.


"Duuuuuuude, this is so damn hard, and for what? Its not like the agency will be like 'do you know how to solve this? No? Then im not making you a hero' " you said as you banged your head on the table in Momo's study room.

A bunch of you were gathered at her house to study for the final exams that were coming up. You had actually been surprised to see that stressing with other people was better than stressing all by yourself.

"Exactly!" Kirishima said, doodling on his paper instead of solving the questions Momo had given him.

You lifted your head up from the table, reading the problem once again, hoping it might've become easier. To your disappointment, it didn't.

"Do you want help?" Todoroki asked from the seat to your right. You looked at his paper and saw the problem fully solved in neat handwriting.


He scooted his chair a little closer to yours, while taking the pen from your hand and starting to explain.

As he finished, your paper was covered in his writing, and your eyes lit up. "Woah. You made it look so simple" the problem now seemed like the easiest thing in the world.

Todoroki nodded, a small smile on his face. "It's really not hard. Now try and solve this" he said, writing a new problem for you to solve.

As soon as you read it, you started scribbling the solution. In a few minutes, you were done, and proudly handed the paper to Todoroki.

He quickly began reading, and a confused expression formed on his face as he set it down on the table. "Your writing is bad, I can't read it"

You looked down at the paper. It really was horrible.

"Is it worse than mine?" Denki asked from the opposite side of the table, as Jirou was squinting at one of the problems he had solved.

"I think so" Todoroki said, frowning down at your paper, trying to decipher it.

"What part don't you understand?" you asked after you saw him making no progress in reading.

He turned the paper to you and circled the whole area you had written on. "This"

"Very funny" you scoffed, taking it from his hand.


"So, what's the plan?" you asked, glancing around for any signs of your teacher.

"Let me think"

You and Todoroki were currently at the practical exam in the same team, battling Aizawa. The written ones had gone well, and now it was time for the real fun.

You were in an open area, hiding behind a tree, trying to figure out how to handcuff your teacher. Apparently, the school thought it would be a good idea to change the practicals this year, making you split up into groups of two and fight your own teachers.

"We'll have to attack him from a blind spot, so he doesn't cancel our quirks" Todoroki said after a few seconds.

"Yeah, with my quirk, I can try and sneak behind him to knock him out and slip the handcuffs on"

"So I'll ambush" he said.

"And we'll separate" you finished.

"Good. Lets try that"

You both nodded at each other before you started looking for your teacher once again. This time, you saw him about 10 meters away, slipping his goggles on and looking around.

Todoroki started running to the left as he spotted Aizawa too.

At the sound, he turned his head in the direction Todoroki was, and activated his quirk just as your classmate managed to hide behind a bush.

While Aizawa was walking to him, you managed to get closer, hiding behind another tree as you did so.

Still behind the bush, Todoroki threw you a gaze, signalling you should get to action.

Careful not to make any noise, you slowly walked diagonally, heading behind Aizawa. You saw Todoroki run from behind the bush, Aizawa spotting him and running in his direction.

Sensing the signal, you ran for your teacher as well. Before he spotted you, you were able to reach him and grip his left arm. You stopped time and, as fast as you could, took both his hands behind his back and handcuffed him.

From the nerves, it ended up taking about 5 seconds, but the job was done. Once you stopped your quirk, Aizawa looked at the both of you proudly.

"You went easy on us" you said as you took off the handcuffs from your teacher.

He scoffed, rubbing his wrists, "Of course I did. You would've had no chances of winning if I didn't."

While that was true, something in you hoped he would go all-out, just for the sake of you knowing what would've happened if you fought him for real.

"I suppose so"

Todoroki remained silent as you made your way back to the rest of your classmates, the next pair getting ready.


A/n: please excuse this pathetic excuse of a chapter. I'm so bad at writing fight scenes. 13 is up too.

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