"Do you want to have sex with her?" Damien grunted but seemed to grow bored of the topic and distracted as he spun his phone between his thumb and finger. "Damien, have you ever thought about having sex with her?" The pair had been talking quietly as Shayne had picked up on the hint to lower his voice but Damien still felt anxious to avoid the subject in public. Still, he could tell that his friend wouldn't drop the subject. Shayne was doing what Damien would normally do for Shayne.

"Uh, yeah," Damien grunted and Shayne put his hands up and took a step back at the grumpy response.

"No need to be so negative. But, why are you?"

"There is more to a relationship than sex." Shayne nodded before jokingly rubbing his hands together like a Chad, squinting his eyes, looking through his eyebrows and biting his bottom lip.

"You just gotta go for it, bro." Shayne soon stopped fooling around, making Damien laugh as he approached Delilah, she had barely finished the phone call and she was still grinning from ear to ear. "Hey, so Damien and I are playing some games tonight. Do you fancy joining? We were thinking about Zelda, we might end up watching some anime as well. If you have a switch was could play animal crossing." Delilah smiled, almost laughing and Shayne felt himself step back a bit as Damien seemed to walk to the side of Shayne, trying to help the cause.

"Yes, sorry. It is just that Zelda and Animal Crossing are both games I have helped in the design of. A few patches or side quests here and there. But, still, as long as I am not standing on toes or ruining a bonding experience then I would love to." The pair nodded in sync and Delilah was sure to lift her bag onto her back with one swift move as her second arm then looped into the second shoulder strap.

"Are you ready to leave now?" Delilah nodded and watched as they packed up.

"Actually, I have one of my VR headsets in my car, we can play 'I Expect You to Die' it's really good. I think you two will enjoy it, particularly Shayne." The offer was not forgotten as the three climbed into their own cars, Delilah promised to follow the other two and she watched as they briefly spoke before climbing into their own cars, heading towards one of their houses.

A sweet house met all three of them, it was tall but not too wide. Delilah had expected nothing else from either of the men as the house seemed pretty and homely. A quality Delilah could never quite achieve with her house, no matter how hard she tried. One thing that Delilah could remember was that homely was an insult in America, this fact caused her to bite her tongue as she knew that it was better to stay silent than accidentally insult his home when she intended to complement it. Instead, a large bag of equipment was collected and she could hear the rattle of her equipment.

"You ready?" Shayne's voice overcame the thoughts inside Delilah and with a soft nod, the three entered the house, both men left their shoes on as they traipsed through the house but Delilah, without thinking, removed her shoes and followed them through to the lounge. Her lips curled as she saw pictures and figures in the room. A Nintendo sat in the corner, nearly falling before Damien grabbed it and placed it onto the flat surface of his window sill.

"Oops." The only word Damien had mustered as he rectified to potential danger to his gaming device.

"Do you mind if we play on the headset first?" Shayne helped Delilah put her bag down and silently, the pair cleared the floor, pushing furniture aside and slightly opening windows so that a breeze could dance through the room. Delilah watched in black and white through the cameras of the headset, as soon as the pair stopped walking, her hand stuck out and she drew the play zone before she placed the controllers down and showed the floor level. The headset was removed and a cleansing wipe was dragged across all available surfaces.

"So, I expect you to die is something that isn't overly active, you can stand on the spot. Or, I have Vader Immortal, all three episodes. That is more active, you use a lightsaber and the force. The Dojo is also good fun. I have Beatsaber and things like that but whoever is playing can just pick one. I would suggest that you are careful of the lights above you in all of them and whoever isn't playing sits back. Some of my games are very active. Particularly the Star Wars one. And, the grey block that looks like an app, ignore it. You need a password to play it anyway." Shayne didn't wait as he stood, looking back at Damien as he winked and put the headset on.

"You guys might want to step back, sit on the sofa. I am not holding back." The pair took his words and immediately responded. They ended up sitting on the chair, Delilah crossed her legs over and Damen leant back in his chair before lifting his phone and checking the time.

"We can order something for dinner if you want. I don't have much food in the house so I can't make any promises about anything home-cooked." Damien had unlocked his phone and clicked onto one of his apps as he spoke.

"I don't mind. I can go for anything that doesn't have fish in it. But, I know you like fish so I can just have something with rice. I'm not too fussy. What about Shayne?" Damien peered over to his friend and scrunched his nose briefly.

"I know what he likes. I can get somethinging for him. What is your favourite food?" Delilah sat silently before answering, mentioning chicken. By the time food came, Shayne mentioned eating later as he swore at one of the Immortal characters. Violet.

"Spoilers," Delilah grumbled while smiling at Shayne. Damien quickly registered the situation and cleared his throat.

"So, what are your plans over the weekend? I remember you mentioning your workload being really big. If it is too much then please, don't feel like you have to stay here." Damien paused, his eyes widening and his tongue dancing across his lips as he realised what he said. His hand landed on her thigh as he thought, the accidental touch couldn't be immediately undone as Damien berated himself for insulting her. He knew that if he jerked his hand off of her, she would surely think that he hated her. "I don't mean I don't like you being here. I do. Just, I know how tough it is when work gets a little too busy." Delilah smiled and nodded at him, her gut clenching as he spoke. The second his hand touched her knee, her mind flicked to it and she couldn't help but focus all of her power on not looking at it.

"Work isn't bad. My deadlines were mostly yesterday so I am pretty free now but I am spending Saturday catching up on some appointments. I missed a lot of things because of those deadlines so I have to make up for it. But how about you? I know that you mentioned your weekend being busy." The words that passed between them were heavy, awkward and fractured as they both were reeling from one thing or another. As soon as Delilah was full though, she packed up her food and stood, taking Damien's rubbish as well.

"I can take it through. You're a guest."

"Oh, no. Seriously, I need to call my mum anyway and she should be free to talk for a minute." Delilah excused herself and Damien could hear her voice as she opened the front door, closing it behind her as well.

Delilah's feet were bare as she paced on the step out side of the house. "Mum, I need help. I don't understand something."

Damien Haas x LemonWhere stories live. Discover now