Chapter 4

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"What are you doing here mister?" Celestina looks at the expressionless duke.

'His face is too handsome!'

The duke doesn't answer instead he walks around the cramped room and his face grows darker with every step he takes.

"Louise, buy this orphanage." Louise looks at his master with wide eyes. His cold master who never care about these things suddenly wants to buy this orphanage? What's wrong with him? Is he sick? Hundreds of assumptions fly through Louise's mind in one second. He composes himself and quickly agrees to his master's words.

"Can we talk for a second Ms. Vivi?" Louise politely guides Ms. Vivi into her office as if the orphanage is his. Ms. Vivi obediently follows him. Celestina sneers at the sight of that, the woman fears of the powerful yet uses the weak to earn money and she even abuses them.

"Mister, what are you doing?" Celestina says hastily when the duke picks the sick Ambrose up from his bed. The young boy cough uncomfortably before settling to a comfortable position in the duke's arms.

"Let's go." The duke says the words firmly and walks out, his steps slow down when he notices Celestina's short legs can't follow his pace.

"Mister! What are you doing?" Celestina follows the duke and grabs the tail of his coat when she finally catch up to him.

"I will explain it all when we're out. This place is too filthy." He spats these words out and looks around the room once more before walking out with his pace even slower this time as Celestina is still holding his coat.


They walk through the short hall and Celestina watches as other children play at their own rooms and at the hall.

When they are finally outside, the duke carry Ambrose to a really good looking carriage and puts him inside it. He then carry Celestina who is clearly struggling climbing up the carriage.

"Where are we going mister?" Celestina asks when the duke sits himself.

"To my mansion."

"What about the other children?"

The duke thinks for a while and makes up his mind when he sees Louise walking out of the orphanage.

"Louise will take care of it"

Louise who is walking down the stairs feels a stone hitting his head. 'Huh? What's that?'

The carriage brings them to a white building after 15 minutes. The servants outside carry Ambrose out of the carriage and in the hospital.

The duke himself carry Celestina down the carriage and brings her in the hospital with her hand holding his coat.

When the doctor sees the frail Ambrose and quickly does check-ups on him before sighing in relief.

"His condition is safe. Thankfully you bring him here quickly. Eat this pill once a day until his temperature goes down, don't let him be exposed to the cold wind and make sure he eats regularly. His body is way too malnourished and his immune system is weak so make sure he eats and exercise a lot." The doctor who doesn't know he is talking to servant of Duke Ashdown talks casually and even dare to lectures the him. He doesn't seem to mind and receives the pills respectfully before gently carrying Ambrose out.

"What's wrong with him?" Celestina asks to the servant.

"His body is malnourished and he has high fever. The doctor says it's fine as long as he eats the pill and eats and exercise regularly." The servant stares at the cute young girl whose eyes was looking at him pitifully as if she's about to cry if he says something bad happens to the boy in his arms.

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