Plans and Wonder

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~Oh the sweet recap xD~

Felix whispered something in your ear before suggesting the same thing that confused the hell out of you. "He's mine."

It's only been a week since that night with Mark and Felix, but a WHOLE lot can happen within that week. As an example, Mark knocking (and almost breaking your door off its hinges in the process) on your door, and dragging you to Jack's house when all your in is some shorts, socks, and a tank-top. "Mark WTF are you doing?" You say as he pretty much drags you by the wrist." "You'll see" Mark says mischievously. "Yo Sean!" Mark yelled, with still a firm grasp on your wrist. "What is it?!? I'm in the middle of recording." Says Jack, coming down with a bowl of fruit-loops. "While eating a bowl of fruit-loops?" Asks Felix laughing. Jack rolls his eyes than notices you behind Mark, trying to subtly get out of his firm grasp. "Oh... Hey, it's your again. y/n, right? I kinda suck at names so..." Says Jack awkwardly. You quickly nod than look down at your 'oh-so-interesting feet'. Everyone sorta just stands in silence...

(SILENCE DOCTOR. SILENCE Shall FALL. No, no one gets the reference? #WHOVIAN OK I'm done xD ON WITH THE STORY!!!)

... stands in silence, other than the sound of Jack chewing on his cereal.After what seems like 10 years, Felix saves you by suggesting we all get dressed and take a walk. "Great Idea!" Says mark, throwing both of his hands up while letting go of your wrist. You giggle while running your wrist. You all get dressed (you went home and got dressed of course) and head to IHOP for done pancakes, bacon, and coffee. (If you don't drink coffee, make something up yourself) You subtly eye Felix while drinking you're coffee as he gobbles down his bacon, still wondering about yesterday. "He's Mine." Echoes in your head. What did he mean by that? Did he mean it as a joke? As a warning? As a way of telling you he knows you like him? Or does he... No, he has a girlfriend. He isn't gay... is he? You slam down your coffee a lil harder than you should have, which makes a few people stare (including the people sitting with you) which makes you stare down at your mug. You get to know each other better, asking their favorite foods, movies, places. Saying stuff like "What's your favorite color?" and "Really? I like..." and even "that's not even a color, that's a fruit." You laugh and talk for about an hour before you leave to go back home. (you did rock, paper, siccors for who would pay the bill. You lost, but Jack was nice enough to split the bill with you.) You all say goodbye and head back home. You met Jack 2 more times, just to have out some (you've become quite aquatinted with each other x3) and met Felix and Mark at least 3 to 4 more times to discuss about the party. Felix would handle the invitations and the date of the party, (It'd be held on the 25th) Mark would handle putting up the decorations and what food to get, and you'd handle on how to get Jack out of the house for all this to happen. (Your decided to treat him to a surprise of your own while they were busy getting the party ready) While all this was happening, you were still wondering about this 2 words Felix whispered in your ear. He didn't show any other signs of that likeness towards you. The only time he did show it was when you accidentally tripped and Jack caught you, laughing with you afterwards and he gave you the stink-eye. But with all these plans and tension about the party going on, there was little time to worry. The wonder and questions were still there though. There was a lot more to come though. More drama, more tension, more fun and more love, more sadness and fights, but you didn't know at the time. All you knew was the little special surprise waiting for Jack.

I love leaving you guys at little cool cliffhangers xD it's one of the ULTIMATE trolls xD Lol. But you'll see what happens next on the 25th =3 *I'll mention who won the contest first before I publish the next chapter. You guys have till the 19th to submit your story ideas.

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