Meeting Her

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Sean's POV;

Y/N = Your Name

I finally unload the last parts of my stuff from the truck and bring it inside. "Whew, that's the last of it. Hey thanks for helping me out with the move Mark" I say smiling at Mark while wiping sweat from my face. (YouTube Name = Markaplier) "Hey no problem dude" He says smiling back. "We'll be living together anyway with Felix. Hey where IS Felix?" "Out buying beer and pie i think" I say chuckling. Right at that moment we see PewdieDiePie running down the street with a box of beer cans in one hand, and 5 other boxes in the other. "I...*gasp*...I...*wheeze*..I got pie.*" We all laugh as he brings the stuff in. "Well Ima introduce myself around town" I say as I start to walk to the neighboring house, hearing some music as I get closer. "Alright, just don't get attacked by a fan girl!" Mark yells while laughing. I wave him off as I get to the door. I knock on the door, knowing the person is up because I can hear the guy listening to some of my commentary on YouTube. "Well, least I have a fan here" I think to myself. As he, or more of she, opens the door, I start to smile. I laugh at her expression when she realizes who I am. "OMG your face is priceless!" I laugh out loud. She's blushing I think but laughing to. We talk for a bit but soon I have to go. I'm not certain, but I think she frowned for a second after that. I wave as she closes the door while cutely smile. Wait... Did I just think cute? Well, she did seem nice and friendly. Once she closes the door,I check my phone. "Holy Shirt, I've been talking to her for over half an hour! It's 11:30!!" I start running back home and remember I forgot my keys inside. "Yo guys, open up!" Pewdie opens the door and by the looks of what I see inside I can tell they were in a rush to hide something. "You guys hiding something?" I ask. "No." Pewdie says quickly and nervously. I eye him suspiciously but walk inside. "So was it a crazy fan?" Mark asks smirking. "No it wasn't a crazy fan asshat" I say smirking right back at him. "Her name is y/n and she's very nice thank you very much" I say. "Well, Happy-Lucky-Go-You, you made a new acquaintance" Says Pewdie laughing. I roll my eyes as I push the button that makes the couch I have into a bed. "Goodnight guys" I say as I flop down. "G'night" both of them say, flopping down into their own mattresses. While I fall asleep, I think about the girl I just met. I JUST met her and said hi, so why do I want to be friends with her all of a sudden? Ah well, I'll worry about it in the morning.

Mama, I'm In Love With A Famous Youtuber; A JackSepticEye X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now