Part 2

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The GPS is not showing any direction, just a plain white desktop in front of his eyes. He said "Hey guys. Something has happened to the GPS."
" What?? " asked Jade and all of them looked at the GPS.

There was no map shown in the GPS but a completely blank white page.
"Hey, I think that the connection might have gone," Lilly said to Roni.

Jade immediately took his mobile phone and checked on the connection and he said "But I have connection.......... on my phone."
"What?" Lilly said while taking her phone.

Mary also took her phone out and checked her connection, suddenly all their phone's desktop went blank white.
"What is happening? Why is it completely white?".said Roni hitting the brake suddenly.

They all were perplexed and now they didn't know the way to go back. They started to panic. It was then they saw the abandoned houses on both sides of the road. The darkness has made the sight of the houses horrifying.
"I think that it is dangerous to go any further. Let's go back," said Lilly.

The others also agreed to it and Roni turned the car and he started to drive back. But after driving for a few miles the car stopped in the road without Roni hitting the break.
He tried several times to start the car but all his attempts were futile
They all got out of the car in surprise and disbelief. Jade said suddenly " What an odd turn of events. "
Now it is all dark, the sun had set.

Roni said " Get in the car. It's not safe outside. "
They all went inside the car. Lilly suddenly said. " What are we going to do........all the phones are dead, the car just stopped and we don't know the way back. "

"I think our car is possessed by a ghost." Said Mary clutching on the rosary on her neck.

"There is no such thing as a ghost," Roni said to Lilly.

"No. If there is god then definitely there exist ghosts."

All of a sudden rain started falling heavily. They all looked out of the car.

" Hey look at there. There is smoke rising from that house."Jade said pointing at the house on the right side.

" Ohhh... Let's ask the house owner for us to stay in for this night. We can repair the car tomorrow morning. Come on, let's go. " Roni said while grabbing on the"I think that it is dangerous to go any further. Let's go back," said Lilly.

The others also agreed to it and Roni turned the car and he started to drive back. But after driving for a few miles the car stopped in the road without Roni hitting the break.
He tried several times to start the car but all his attempts were futile
They all got out of the car in surprise and disbelief. Jade said suddenly " What an odd turn of events. "
Now it is all dark, the sun had set.

Roni said " Get in the car. It's not safe outside. "
They all went inside the car. Lilly suddenly said. " What are we going to do........all the phones are dead, the car just stopped and we don't know the way back. "

"I think our car is possessed by a ghost." Said Mary clutching on the rosary on her neck.

"There is no such thing as a ghost," Roni said to Lilly.

"No. If there is god then definitely there exist ghosts."

All of a sudden rain started falling heavily. They all looked out of the car.

" Hey look at there. There is smoke rising from that house."Jade said pointing at the house on the right side.

" Ohhh... Let's ask the house owner for us to stay in for this night. We can repair the car tomorrow morning. Come on, let's go. " Roni said while grabbing on the
car's door.

"But will it be safe?" Mary asked anxiously.

"Nothing will happen. Let's go to that house," said Jade.

They all came out and ran towards the house.

~will be continued in the next part.🧡

Note: I am not an excellent writer. If there is any mistake pls ignore it and continue reading and pls point out my mistakes to me.💛

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