Wendy Snaps

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A/N: This happens at the same time as the Bad Intentions chapter

Wendy's POV

As usual, the guild came to the tavern to celebrate their victories, cheering together.

I laugh with Carla, Pantherlily, Happy, and Romeo about today's events.

Sighing with content, I slurp up my strawberry bubble tea, listening in to my surroundings.

Juvia is fawning over Gray, Erza's eating her strawberry cake, and Gray and Natsu are at it again.

As I gaze around the small sea of people, I noticed that Lucy wasn't here.

Romeo notices my suspicion and confirms them.

"Lucy isn't here, is she?"

I slowly nodded. Letting go of the straw with a small pop! I frown.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

Carla hugs me, which slightly cheers me up.

"Don't worry child, if anyone should be feeling like this, it should be her!" Carla declares confidently.

"Hush Carla!" I whisper, quickly placing a finger on my lips. "We're already in their bad graces, we don't need to give them more proof!"

Romeo leans backs on his chair and place his hands behind his neck, making him look more handsome in this new angle.

My cheeks burn slightly as his head turns to me.

"Well, why does it matter? They're not the same as before, right?"

Snapping out of my trance, I went back on everything that happened ever since I joined.

At first, everyone was kind and caring and always fought for what is right. After we came back from Edolas, some people were getting a bit antsy. It was when (Y/N) joined that set people off, like Lucy for example.

When she left, they only started to care about how much power they had as a guild. They wanted to be stronger than everyone else. No more of the we're stronger as a family thing, nope! They all cared about their individual strengths and would downgrade others who weren't strong enough.

Many members left because of this sudden change, but the guild really dwindled in number while they were gone for 7 years.

I nod, "You're right, they really aren't the same."

Romeo got a far off look in his eyes. "That's why I vowed to protect you no matter what."

Third POV

Wendy's cheeks burn up once again, but didn't question him. She only smiled and hugged him.

"I'm so happy that you're in my life." She gently whispers.

Romeo looks down at the petite girl hugging him. He smiles. He really cares for Wendy and fell in love with the girl as he spent time with her.

Romeo just wraps his arms around her and placed his head on top of hers. Breathing in her blackberry and vanilla scent, he closes his eyes and enjoys their little moment.

Unknown to the young couple, the exceeds awe at their cuteness.

"They're perfect for each other~" Happy claims.

Carla nods, "I'm glad that he cares so deeply about her."

Pantherlily hums in agreement.

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