7: Flight

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Before we begin, I just wanna do a shoutout to @Pearlpaintbrush for all of their amazing comments. They made me laugh so hard! XD

But thanks to everyone for all your votes and comments, they mean so much! (This sounds like I'm ending the story . . . don't worry, it's not over yet!) 

Alright, please enjoy 7: Flight.


Nene was frozen, blushing from being pulled from an almost-kiss to an asunaro hug. "W-what are you doing?"

"Teru. What do you want?" His voice was slightly muffled by Nene's shoulder.

"Why are you here?" Teru asked. Hanako sighed and picked up his head. He hugged Nene tighter.

"You shouldn't be able to touch this girl. How--"

"I've gotten stronger since we last met. This--" Teru pulled up the edge of his right sleeve, revealing a pale scar on his wrist. "--won't happen again."

"H-hanako-kun?" Nene asked, slightly terrified. She had no idea what was going on, after all. Nene touched the edge of her mask, anxious for answers. "What is he--"

"Nii-chan!" The silver doors flew open, and Kou raced towards the three, Mitsuba, Aoi, and Tiara not far behind. "What are you--" He froze when he spotted Nene. "Huh? Daikonella?"

Despite the situation, Hanako chucked. "Daikonella." Nene tried (and failed) to push Hanako off her.

"My name is Nene, not Daikonella, and can someone explain what's going on here? Please?"

"Nene, your closet-hopping friend is actually a--" Nene felt the weight disappear from her back. Hanako was suddenly behind Teru. A long, thin silver knife was at the prince's throat.

"Don't." His voice was dark and angry. "Don't say another word."

"Teru-kun!" Nene shrieked, covering her mouth. "Hanako-kun, stop!"

"Hanako, stop." Teru's voice was unnaturally calm for someone with a knife to their throat.

"H-hanako? What? Y-y-you're here?" Kou stumbled over his words. Reaching a hand to his belt, a long and golden weapon materialized. "I-i'll save you, Nii-chan!" He ran for the god-apparition.

"Go awaaaaaaaaay!" was Kou's battle cry. Not great, but it made Nene jump.

"No! You can't hurt Hanako-kun, he's my friend!" Nene moved in front of the prince and Hanako, blocking Kou's way.

"Friend-zoned, huh?" Teru spoke loud enough for only Hanako to hear. The knife pressed harder against his throat.

"Stop it!"

"Umm, Nene-san?" Kou blushed, realizing he was face-to-face with the daikon girl. "I-i-i need to help Nii-cha-- I mean, Teru-kun! Please m--"

"Hanako, run!" Nene grabbed the boy's wrists and held them together in a feeble attempt to subdue him.

"Nene--" Hanako called. Nene was suddenly being pulled away from everyone by a pair of strong hands.

Hanako pulled her towards the silver doors. Throwing them open, he dragged Nene through them.

Nene wasn't sure what was happening, but she ran, too. "Where are we going!?!" she shouted, as the two raced through the crowd. Hanako was shoving party goers left and right, and Nene was having trouble keeping up.

They ran through the doors and began to descend the steps.

"H-h-hanako-kun, I'm going to t-trip!" Nene panted. Hanako glanced back.

"D-do you want me to carry you?" he asked, still hurrying down the steps. Nene blush.

"N-no--" Then she tripped. As she fell, Nene somehow managed to do two things:

Nene smashed into Hanako and they both tumbled down the stairs. And as Nene was doing this, her left shoe fell off.

Nene shut her eyes and braced herself for a rough landing.

It didn't come.

"Wow, getting bold, aren't we?" Hanako asked. Nene opened her eyes.

The two were on the ground at the bottom of the steps. Nene was lying on top of Hanako, his arms around her. Nene blushed.

He . . . took the fall for me?

"In all seriousness, are you okay?" Hanako asked. Nene jumped up and stumbled away, bright red.

"A--- um -- ye-- yo--" She squeaked, trying to remember how to speak. "A-are you okay?" Hanako smiled.

"Worried about me, huh?" He stood. "I'm fine, don't worr--"

"Get back here!" Kou shouted from the top of the stairs.

Hanako turned to Nene. "We gotta go!"

Grabbing Nene's hand again, Hanako took off running.

This is turning out to be a lot crazier than I had expected! 


I already said a bunch of stuff at the top, so I don't really have anything to put down here. 😅 Oh, I know!

Nene finally lost a shoe! I was worried that I was straying too far from the original tale, but now I feel better. 😁 

Thank you, and stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

(624 words-- not bad)

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