3: Laughter

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It was around 8 o'clock, the start of the ball, that Nene started hearing the laughter. It was . . . coming from her closet?

"H-huh?" Nene sat up. "Who's there?" The closet door flew open.

"You're giving up that easily? What happened to 'I'm going to that ball-- no matter what'?" A boy was standing in her closet. He had amber eyes, and choppy black hair. He wore a black gakuran, black pants, and a black hat. On his left cheek, he wore a white seal. If Nene didn't know better, she would have called him a vampire.

(A/N: And here's what he looked like!)

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(A/N: And here's what he looked like!)

"Aghh! W-what are you doing in my closet, you p-pervert!" Nene shrieked and leaned back. The boy frowned.

"Alright, guess you don't want to go to the ball." He turned and walked for her open window.

"W-wait!" Nene called. "P-please help me g-go to the ball . . ." The boy turned back to her.

"I thought I was a pervert, and now you want my help?" He laughed. Again. "Sheesh, girls these days can't make up their minds about anything."

"I'm serious, I want to go to the ball!" Nene jumped out of bed and made her way to the boy. He was much shorter than she had expected.

"I'll help you." The boy crossed his arms over his chest. "But there'll be a price."

"What price?" Nene asked, suspicious of the offer. The boy shrugged.

"I don't know. It could be anything." Nene gulped.

"Wait, like anything-anything?" (A/N: The Rat and The Radish, anyone? I'm getting flashbacks XD) The boy grinned.

"Wow, is Radish-san thinking of something naughty--"

"My name isn't Radish-san!" Nene shouted, suddenly angry. The boy rolled his eyes.

"Well, you didn't tell me your name, so . . ."

"It's Nene. Nene Yashiro." She told him. "And you are . . .?"

"Hanako-kun. Nice to meet you." Hanako nodded. "Now that the introductions are done, do you want to go to the ball or not?"

"Yes, I want to go! The price doesn't matter. This is my one chance to meet Teru-kun!" Hanako raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you want to do that?" Nene laughed.

"So he'll fall in love with me and we can get married! He's so smart, handsome, and kind. Teru-kun's perfect!" Nene sighed dreamily. Hanako humpfed.

"Alright, then. You'll need a dress, and, unless you want to walk, you're gonna need transportation." Nene nodded.

"How do I get that?" she asked.

"I'll meet you outside. Bring a piece of blue fabric and a daikon." Before she could move, Hanako was gone, and her door was wide open.

"What . . ." Nene sighed. She was going to the ball. Now all she needed was a piece of blue fabric and a radish.

Nene found the fabric in her sewing kit, from a long-ago abandoned project. She found the daikon in her refrigerator. Despite her incessant pleas, Tsuchigomori had bought them. Lemon had found it funny, and Akane had empathized with Nene, not eating them.

For someone who threw a fit when they had been bought, Nene was now impossibly thankful for the vegetables.


Hey, Hanako finally got here! I was wondering when he would show up. XD (Wait, I'm the writer . . . that probably isn't good) This is a short part, so I'll try to update quickly.

Stay safe and wash your hands!

~~ Author-chan ~~

(594 words-- I thought this was short!)

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