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Warning; semi-smuth scene.. if you don't like it, better to skip!

The sunshine woke you up.
You slowly open your eyes and saw your man sleeping peacefully. You observed his beautiful face. Then you got stucked staring at his strawberry like lips...

He is a light sleeper so you gently remove his arms around your waist and when you are about to stand up he gripped at your hand.

"My my..." He said with a husky tone.

"I'm just go—"

You we're still talking when Azeru Pulled you back in the bed. You fell from his torso and you could feel his breathing. You felt your cheeks are burning at the moment.

"Y/n...." He seductively whispers.

'oh gosh... Here we go again'

You remained silent.

He rolled causing you two flipped positions. And now he's on top of you while staring at you. You can see the lust and hunger glittering in his eyes.

A shiver went down to your spine.

"I-uhm.. Az?"

"Hmm?" He responds.

"I—" Then there he shut your mouth by placing his index finger in your lips. You looked away due to embarassment.

"Look at me, Y/n.." he said as he guided your chin with his soft manly hand.

Now you two are in eye contact when he crashed his soft strawberry like lips in yours. As you kissed back his tongue starts to explore inside your mouth. You can hear him groan a little and catch his breath while kissing you passionately.

He pulled out and a string of saliva left in your mouth. "Let me try this.." he said as he hold the back of your neck. You see a devlish smirk from him causing you to get more flustered.

"Relax..." He said and chuckled.

He leans down and whispers. "I know you.... WANT MORE.."

He starts to kiss your neck and you let out a small moans. Then he moves back to your ear and licked your earlobe.

"A-az.. HAAAHH..."

You heard him chuckled.

"GOODMORNING!" He fixed his self like nothing happened.

You remained silent and a bit disappointed because he didn't continue what he is doing and leaving you flustered and not contented.

"Disappointed?" He bluntly said.

"N-no, am not!" You look away.

"We can continue it later, my my..," he said as he cuddled you and burrying his head to your shoulders.

"For now.... We should continue sleeping.." he said as he tighten the cuddles.

"I love you" he added and kissed your shoulders.

BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH || AZERU ✓Where stories live. Discover now