chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to To all the people that express themselves but get but down because of it ! ;-)

Hey I would just like to say that I might discountinue this story since I don't get quite enough comments or

votes. So if you do like it plz do me a favor VOTE and COMMENT. I have at least 146 fans and I only got 26

votes and I thik it was 14 comments on the last chapter so plz, plz show me that you would like me to

continue! B-)




Celest P.O.V

Shocked. That was all I could say.


I sat down the three of them; Mason, Adrian, and Italie. It wouldn't make a difference so I just let Caspian and Lake stay in the background.

My dad and Lakes' mom were still sleeping suprisingly that theyouldn't have heard me scream.....wierd.


I looked again at the kids.

I started with Italie first.


She told me that I was some type of big powerful angel and that I would have to talk to my mum.

Mason told me that I had lots of powers and big black wings.

Adrian explained that Italie, Mason, and him were able to know what they new because they were my eternal children and eternal children were allowed to remember there heavenly life in time. Unlike eternal

adults that forget thingsbecause they aren't special, ( as Italie and Mason had described)I was not suppose to be like that on my 18th birthday and that was how I would remember everyhing.

He had some say in the things he did say.

But for the moment I was Shocked.

Breath in Breath out.....okay.


I then asked Adrian since he kinda established himself as the leader in there little group...which I thought as quite amusing....again asked why they liked me.

Adrian said only Italie knew so I turned to Italie.


She said that only Caspian was my Eternal Gurdian and that he was in earth to protect me when I turned 18. She paused and looked at Lake..she said that Lake was my Eternal Lover and that we were made for each other.

I thought...w-w-what about L-l-lu-uke?

I looked at Italie who was now looking at her brothers.

" what about Luke"

Her head snapped.

" Mummy he was your other Eternal Lover....but in heaven they fought and when it was time for you to come down hey didn't decide yet"


( Back to the Present)

I was Shocked.






HAHA! SO did you like or dislike? should I countinue? Plz tell me and I hope you liked the chapter worked on it during school! So i took a risk for my readers!



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