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Hello again! I am so sorry that i havent updated in a while, because of school and homework. i am again writing this on a school computer
Word count: 869

Darkstripe sat at the small clearing he always did, and let the tears pour out, did tigerclaw really mean what he said? He sat there before realising he should probably get going back to camp.

~tigerclaws perspective~ 

Oh god oh god, why did i say that??  I messed up bad. I think, no i KNOW i just messed up every chance i had with him, that's even if he likes guys. Which i dont think he did, damn, im overthinking again, i need to look for him. NOW.

I ran out, i didnt tell anyone but i didnt care. All that was on my mind was darkstripe, what have i done?! I was panicking, where should i look!? at first i had no idea then i remembered about the area we met, i started to run, i soon realised i was lost, but i knew i had to keep looking. i wasnt giving up this easy. 'Darkstripe?!' i called out, but got no response, i had went into riverclan territory. my call alerted the patrols, i heard pawsteps coming in my direction and felt relief flow through me. but it was short lived. i soon smelt riverclan scents  mingled with my fear scent. i felt the sharp claws raking at my soft underbelly and hissed in pain. the last thing i remember is teeth sinking into my neck, then it was dark.

~third person perspective~

did he really mean what he said? darkstripe wondered, but his thinking was soon interupted by a call from goldenflower, 'where is tigerclaw?!' she yowled, alerting everyone, darkstripe felt panic flooding through his veins like a cold wind on a leafbare night. a small ray of hope gave him an idea, 'm-maybe he just went hunting?' he thought about saying, but then the idea washed away, tigerclaw always told someone before leaving camp. he ran into the den, wherev tigerclaw was last seen, but there was no sign of a struggle. what if he was looking for me? darkstripe thought, but that idea brought no more comfort. the only thing he could do right now was go and look for him. 'i am going to search for him, i do not need any assistance.' darkstripe announced, because he knew that it would bring no more comfort to the panicking clan if another cat mysteriously vanished. without waiting for a response, darkstripe ran out of camp, and picked up tigerclaws scent in a short time, and started to follow it.

tigerclaw regained consciousness just outside riverclan territory, and tried to get up, but to no avail. he could get up enough to walk, however with a noticable limp, he took a minute to breathe in the scents, but they smelt somewhat unfamiliar. he started to walk over to a small clearing in a forest. where he collapsed once again.

darkstripe had followed the scent trail to the end, but there was still no sign of him, he realised how close he was to riverclan territory, did tigerclaw go there?! what if he was attacked?! before he could think of anything more he smelt the metallic tang of blood, mangled with a somewhat stale fear scent and something else, darkstripe ran, he ran like he never has before. what if it was tigerclaw?! once he got closer, he realised what the other scent was, it was tigerclaw.

if darkstripe thought he was scared before, it was nothing compared to now. he could barely smell anything else but his own fear scent, but he managed to get to the clearing, he thought he lost the trail, as he couldnt smell anything but his own fear. but once he got to the clearing, he found something he never wanted to see, it was tigerclaws body, laying near the edge of the clearing, 'TIGERCLAW!' he yowled, but now response came from the unmoving mass.

darkstripe grabbed tigerclaws scruff with his teeth and started to bring him back to camp, he knew he was getting more and more exhausted by the second, but he didnt care, he was too close to saving him to give up now. his legs ached and were begging him to stop. but darkstripe didnt listen, even though he knew his life was getting risked, he had heard stories of cats who had died from exhaustion, and he knew he was close to being one of them, but the faint rising and falling of tigerclaws chest game him the spark of hope needed to continue back to camp, the tang of blood was stronger than ever now that darkstripes fear scent had somewhat faded. he could smell some nearby herbs, but barely regconised yarrow, he knew this could be helpful, as spottedleaf was running out of it, and it could help tigerclaw, if he made it, he was a warrior, but still had some medicine cat training, as he knew it might be useful one day. he stumbled back into camp, he felt eyes on him, he let go of tigerclaws scruff, he just managed to whisper, 'save him' before it was dark.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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