Chapter 13: terrors

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Song: one hundred sleepless nights by pierce the veil


⚠️suicidal thoughts⚠️

Ever since the conversation with hawks and dabi Temi has been having similar terrors to the one she had that day. Some at night, some when she wasn't doing anything particular and didn't really have anything on her mind, while some any and all the time. Sometimes she would wake up in a cold sweat. Whilst some nights she wouldn't even fall asleep with the fear of not waking up in the morning or at all.

~~~~four days after the base talk~~~~

Temi POV

Basically every night and day I would have terrors similar to the one I had at the base.

Go ahead and kill us. We know it's for the better. All we are is a burden to everyone in our life. Maybe if we weren't so weak and soft this wouldn't be happening.

Most times it would just me arguing with myself on if I should kill myself or not. All though I would go to therapy on the weekends I didn't tell the therapist about these terrors. Just recently I've been having new terrors or nightmares since this one only happened at night. It was about how papa and dad would die and I would give up on everything and eventually jump but I would always wake up before I do jump.

There I am sitting on the ground holding my lifeless parents close to me. The died in a huge fight against villain and hero. Maybe if I was never born they could have had a better life. Without the constant protecting me, the constant worry and stress. Maybe I should just kill my self I have nothing to live for.

If it wasn't a nightmare I would always end up pulling on my hair or bang my head against something to get them to stop. The terrors are like broken tapes that  repeatedly play in my head and I can't make them stop.

~~~~eight days after the base talk~~~~

Still Temi POV

It's been a week and a day since the talk I had with papa and dad. The terrors only getting worse. I haven't told papa or dad yet even though I said I would tell them I'm something happened. Although I didn't tell the I think they caught on. I've only spent the weekend with them but they seem to know something was up.

~~~~present day~~~~(ten days after the base talk)

"Hey" I say as I walk down to the common room with itsuki behind me.

"Hi" shinsuke said.

"Hey" kiso and Keshey said in sync.

Shinsuke was in the kitchen making breakfast and kiso and Keshey were on the couch watching tv. Me and itsuki parted ways while I went to the kitchen itsuki went to the couch with the girls. Itsuki then faked gagged because they were cuddling Keshey then switched into him and started playfully hitting and shaking him. Saying things along the lines of "stop hitting yourself" and stupid things like that. As I was in the kitchen I simply said "idiot". Kiso was just laughing the whole time. While I was in the kitchen shinsuke turned around letting me know he acknowledged my presence. He kissed me on the the lips and I kissed back. He pulled back,put his hands on my shoulder and looked directly into my eyes.

"Stay in my room after we're done with homework or whatever work or studying we have to do." He said sternly

I had a idea on what he wanted to talk about. I was fine with it since I was planning on telling him anyways.

(There talk will be in the next chapter)

"Ok" was I replied with because I was going to tell him sooner or later.

Shinsuke continued to make breakfast with my help.

Once breakfast was done we all sat down and ate. Whilst everyone else was conversing I was in the middle of having a terror. I could feel my face go pale and apparently keshey noticed.

"Temi are you ok" she asked

"Y-yeah?" I reply we all knew it wasn't true but she nor did anyone decide to push it. This particular terror was maybe one of my worst ones. It was about how everyone in my life would die and I would eventually kill my self. Not immediately but over the years I would grow to weak and feel as though I really did nothing to live for and that I didn't even want to live.

I was informed by the police that my friends and parents died. I was stunned I had forgotten the meaning of life long ago. But somehow I felt as if I knew and just forgotten. I just felt num. I blocked everyone out of my life not that there was anyone. Then the worst or best thing happened the three guys came back into my life and tortured me. I didn't dare cry or scream once. I was like a slave to them. They would do anything they wanted to me and I wouldn't try to fight back. I just simply handed my body over. I gave up some could say. Over the years they would continue this until they finally threw me away. Some may have felt relief but I felt sad. Although they were doing bad to me they wanted me and they were honestly the last I had. I was on one thread and some invisible person cut it. I committed. I was finally free from the worlds torture. I was with my family again. I was happy again. Finally happy. Happy.

For some reason that one hit hard. I excused myself from the table and went to the bathroom. ( that sounds oddly proper but oh well). In the bathroom I cried. I was scared. I cried. I felt guilty. I cried. I cried and cried and cried. All I did was cry. God I'm a baby. I then began pulling on my hair and let out a groan of agony louder then I wanted to. Not physically pain but mentally. The rest of the shinsquad heard my groan and the girls came rushing in to see me with my knees in my chest, my head in my knees crying. They came over and started trying to calm me down. It eventually worked. Before they even asked what happened I told them " I'll tell you after class." Since we still had like 30 minutes until we had to leave we went back into the common room and continued to talk. I mostly just listened by occasionally joined in.

~~~time skip to when the shinsquad is done with homework at the end of the day. ~~~

I told everyone to stay in the room since I had something to tell them. I'm sure they all knew what I had to tell them from the news. But they still stayed to hear it in person.

Muhahahaha I left y'all on a cliffhanger. Sorry not sorry(j/k) anyways this chapter was random and I don't know where I was going with it. Idk what to say here but anyways byeee.

Word count: 1202

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