Chapter 12: flashbacks

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Song: nightmare by set it off

⚠️again this chapter contains possible triggers I'll put warning ⚠️ signs when they come up. It's basically the whole chapter so I'll make a 'mini' summary.⚠️  also if there's a POV switch it's within the flashback so it doesn't mean the flashback is over. I'll say "flashback over" when said flashback is done.

Flashback 1 (middle school 2nd year)

Temi POV

As I was getting my stuff ready to go to my next class three boys came up to me. I think they were 3rd year. When they approached me they didn't seem friendly and I got a bad feeling about them. Because I refused to make friends I was by myself and was a easy target for whatever they were planning.

"Hey Temi~" one of the guys said.

"Hi?" I replied

G2 = the second guy and it's the same for the other two guys

G2- you better listen and nobody gets hurt

I could tell that was a lie. He meant the three guys don't get hurt but I more than likely I do get hurt.

T- the hell is that supposed to mean

I probably shouldn't have said that.

T- I gotta get to class I can't do this right now

I try to leave but G3 grabbed my wrist.

G3- your not going anywhere

T- let me go

⚠️ tw sexual assault⚠️

I say as I try to loosen his grip. Which ended up making him tighten his grip which kind of hurt. He then proceeded to thrown me against the locker. A sharp part of the locker ended up cutting my back as I slid down to the floor. I felt the blood soak my shirt but luckily I had a hoodie I could throw on. I do everything in my power to not let a single tear fall because I knew that's what the wanted. They wanted to remind me how useless and weak I am. The all just stood there and looked at me in pain.

T- what do you want

I managed to make out through my constant wincing.

G1- grab her arms I got her legs

With that G2 and G3 both grab on arm each and pin it above my head. I didn't even try to fight back because I know it would make everything worse on my part. G1 then sat on my legs since  the were out infront of me. I could be mistaken but I swear he was hard. That's disgusting he really got turned on from me in pain and bleeding. This really is a nightmare.

G1- this is gonna be fun

As he said that he moved his hands to my waist sending a shiver through my spine. His hands were rubbing all up and down my side even on my back some smearing the blood.  When he got some blood on his fingers he licked it. Now that's fucking disgusting. Now I really was going to throw up. But I held it in. The other two boys that were pinning my arms where enjoying the show and chuckling.

T- don't touch me
G1- shhh~

As he said that he put his finger to my mouth.

T- stop
G1- oh but it's fun
T- no it's not
G1- oh but it is

Before I can even respond he kissed me on the lips. Tried to stop him but he wasn't having that. He squeezed down on my side close to my new cut on my back. He then moved his hands to my thighs and squeezed them and rubbed them and at one point made it up to my crotch since I had to wear a skirt. I was frozen with fear at this point. He tried to slide his tongue into my mouth but I didn't let him. That just made his mad because he bit through my skin on my lower lip which mad me Yelp and open my mouth. ( he has pointy teeth due to his quirk).With my mouth now open he took the opportunity and forced his tongue into my mouth. He didn't care for the blood gushing from my lip if anything he enjoyed it. After about 2-3 minutes they left. I was left there in my own blood. I soon got up put my hoodie on and went to the nurse to get a band aid for my lip. I didn't tell her about my back or lip I just asked for a band aid. For the rest of school I put my head down and had my hoodie on. I tried to avoid talking because it hurt to talk. It also hurt to walk but I couldn't get out of that. Once school was out I didn't bother going home I went straight to the LOV base because I knew dad was there. He could clearly tell something was wrong and that I was hurting. And when I didn't tell him after him asking multiple times he used a truth serum on me. I know it was for my own good so I reluctantly agreed.

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