Mysterious Writing

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Mysterious Writings

" And the Winner is.....''
Every student of Class 10 of St. Xavier's High School were eagerly waiting for the announcement of the Winner of Young Writers Competition. It's a big opportunity for young student to have their Works publish by Hyperion Publication. If a student won then his/her short stories, novel, poetries, etc could be published to be read by general public.

But before we know who the Winner is , let's get to the real beginning which lead to this starting of the story.

The Atmosphere is peaceful around the city of Bhubaneswar. The normal busy streets fill with various of people going to their different destinations.
But today there is a special announcement to be made by the Principal of the St. Xavier's High School. The Announcement was made at the Assembly Ground where all student were standing in rows with their teachers behind them. The Principal Madam, a tall woman with soft features and bespectacled face said in microphone- " Dear students, today's announcement is on a competition held by the Hyperion Publication. The name of the competition is Young Writers Competition in which a Winner from each school will go to next level where the books written by all of you will be read by top editors of the Hyperion Publication...."

Many students were excited while some where bored as they aren't interested in reading or writing.

Principal madam continued ," So all those students who are interested give you name to your respected class teachers. You have one month to complete your works and submit them with your name to your English teachers of the school. After the winners are announced their books will go to the next level. After another month the students name will be announced whose works will be published by the Publication. For more information ask you class teachers. Have a nice day."
With this the announcement is over.

Then Assembly end with the national anthem with students going back to their respected classes. All the students were chattering among themselves about this morning events.

"Wow! What an opportunity. Who would be the lucky student from our school."

"I am not interested in this boring competition"

" My English not that great. I don't think they will like my works"

All have their own view regarding this competition. But one student was quiet from the Assembly. The boy was a wheatish complexion fellow with brown eyes. He was tall with raven black hair. He was thinking something deeply.
His name was Amish Archarya.

After the school is over, Amish is found writing something in an diary with great concentration. That is when someone called,"
Amish, come for dinner. Ma is calling."
It was a feminine voice. Then a girl of 24 enters the Amish's room. She too had wheatish complexion but more darker shade with brown eyes and raven black hair in ponytail. But she was a beautiful girl with intelligent eyes.
She say," Amish what are doing. I called you." She said with an irritated voice.
The said boy looked at her with a mischievous smile and say," Can't help it, Di. I love irritating you.''
His Sister rolls her eyes and says,"
Yah! Whatever. Now come for dinner. "
" Just wait a minute. I am almost done with the conclusion part of my book"
" What the name of the book"
" The Secret nine from past to present.''
His sister stared at him with a shock expression. Amish, realising his Sister not answering, looked at her and ask," Di, What happen?"
"Di, Wakey, wakey''
"Strange, she's not answering. What happened to her. Hmm... I should try that...thought Amish and said,"Anjali Archarya"
Anjali broke out of her stance and says,
"Wha... What?"
" Aa ha, I knew it you will come out of the stance."
Anjali composed herself and says, absent mindedly," Let's go for Dinner."
She goes out of the room with Amish look confused and shrugs it.
But Anjali was just outside the room. Her eyes glowing silver. Then her eyes turns back normal. Her eyes wide open and she mumbles a single word," What"

After 1 month
"And the winner from our school is.....Amish Archarya"
All the students cheered for him and teacher congratulated him . His parents and sister were proud of him but Anjali was worried.

At night while Amish was sleeping soundly, at another room Anjali was staring out of the window at dark sky. She holds an strange crystal kind of object which was shining strangled.
"I am sorry Amish but... I have to do this"

After another 2 months
In every bookstore, a new book can be found which children between the age of 12 -18 are reading a lot.

The book was a great hit.
The story line was based on the Secret Society created by the Emperor Ashoka of Maurya Dynasty.
It was one of the mysteries which was till unanswered. He based the story on that ground describing nine people who were part of the society and how till now they were going on passing down the book to next set of people who can protect the books. Those books contains the secret knowledge which if fall in wrong hands can destroy the World.
The books were like these-
1. Propaganda- The first book, which deals with the techniques of propaganda and psychological warfare.
2. Physiology- The book discussed physiology and explains how to kill some by just a touch. It is also said that the martial art of Judo is the result of the leakage from this book.
3. Microbiology- This book focuses on microbiology and biotechnology.
4. Alchemy- This book deals with alchemy and the transmutation of metals.
5. Communication- This book contains the study of means of communication. Be is terrestrial or extraterrestrial. So somehow they know the existence of the aliens.
6. Gravity- The sixth book contains the secrets of gravity and actual instruction on how to make Vedic Vimala or an aircraft.
7. Cosmogony- This book contains the study of the matters of Universe.
8. Light- This book dealt with light including its speed and how to use it as a weapon.
9. Sociology- This book contains the study of sociology. It contains the rules for evolution of societies and the means of foretelling their decline.
No one knows if this society exists or not.

But this wasn't the only mystery that occur.

Amish Archarya, the Author of this amazing book was reading this book sitting at his room.
He was reading it seriously when his face morphed into an expression of shock.
"What" He exclaimed with total disbelief ,
"I hadn't written these lines. The story had fully changed but how. I had discussed it properly with the editors." He said going through the pages of the book when a light surrounds him.
He gets scared but a soothing feminine voice speaks inside his head,"Don't be afraid Amish, I just want to request you to stay quiet and don't speak anything about it. There's a reason for everything. At right time you will know the truth."
With that the voice gets quiet and he found himself at his room. He looks startled with all these happenings. He feels like he was hallucinating.

Anjali was outside his room with serious expression, her eyes silver. She was wearing a black cloak over her head . She was holding a book titled," The book of Communication"
She said silently," I am sorry Amish but I had to alter the story. Maybe unknowingly. You did wrote the real story of the Nine Unknown.
I can't risk our identity. I can't.

With that she vanished in thin air.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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