i wanna see the way you move for me baby

Start from the beginning

"hi, im harry how can I help you" harry said pointing at the pin with 'harry' on it and oh god that deep voice goes straight to his member. 'you can help me with my friend down here' Louis thinks but he suddenly shakes the thought out of his head. He shouldn't be thinking that way, this angel in front of him looks barely 15 and he's 21 for god's sake. He jeer his brain to think of something sensible to say.

"um-uh two orders no wait uh-three orders of kebab please" he stuttered, how can you expect him not to when this angel in front of him almost has his dick twitch, well it did. God, Louis has to suit himself before he can't stop himself from entering this stall and wreck the boy inside, okay the need to get laid is significant.

Harry is giving him an amused look and smiled again "comin' right up, sir"
The said boy moved quickly to make his order and Louis can't stop staring, the boy's back is in front of him, he's ogling the boy's back how can you not he's got a good one.
"like what you see, sir?" the angel, harry smirks. Louis hadn't realize that the boy is now looking at him he's too busy having nasty thoughts, he can feel his cheeks warm. He should make a witty response.

"i-uh uhm just- c-can you put hot sauce on it?" what the fuck was that, Louis thinks, he is definitely sober maybe his brain decided to take a rest.

"sorry sir but we ran out of hot sauce, why do you need one? You're hot enough sir" louis' mouth dropped open. What? Did this louis' so called angel said that? It's official this angel will be the death of him. Louis still in shock couldn't form any words to respond.
"here's your order sir" the innocent looking boy said in a seducing tone. He hands it to Louis making sure their hands will brush. They both ignored the electricity that follows when it did.

Louis takes his order and grabs his wallet to pay, but he feels a hand on his cheeks -and oh those hands are so soft- making him look up, harry is cradling his face, placing a cone-shaped hat at louis' head. If Louis is in his right state of mind he'll refuse to wear that funny looking hat but hey he's not going to miss the opportunity of having harry's hand in his face. Harry's touch lingered on his warm cheeks as both boys stared at each other. Louis' phone rang making both of them jump at the sudden noise that break their little bubble. 

Louis quickly paid harry as he scrambles to pull his phone out seeing zayn calling. "i-I gotta go uhm yeah thank you" Louis smiles at the boy and answers zayn's call.
"man, where are you, I'm starving" zayn said at the other end

"I'm on my way home" Louis said, he can still feel the touch of the younger boy damn.

When Louis got home he threw the bag of kebab to zayn, sitting next to him and getting his own. Zayn and Louis moaning at the taste of kebab on their first bite. They'll have kebab for a week that's for sure. "where have you been man? You seem tensed. Nice hat by the way" zayn snickered

louis took the cone-shaped hat off and threw it on the floor. Louis noticed something from under the hat, there is something written under it. He took the hat to see what's written and his eyes grew wide at what he saw, there's a phone number and a 'mind sharing me your sauce, sir?' written under it. Zayn saw his shocked expression and took a peek at the hat too. Zayn let out a guffaw upon seeing it. "you are about to get laid mate" zayn teased

After eating and having teased by zayn, Louis rushed to go through his room and goes to his favorite spot, he has a chair by the window, that is where he spent most of his nights. Right now, he can't take his mind off of a curly haired boy. He thinks about texting him, should he? He doesn't even know how old harry is. He thinks for a while and smokes.

He pulled a long drag in his cigarette and chokes on it when he saw curls walking through their street. Okay this is insane, he's hallucinating, isn't he? No it's really harry from the kebab store. 

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