But, I can't hate him. All I can think about is his beautiful face, his smirk, his blue eyes, black hair. I could go on forever, but my train of thought is cut short when I hear yelling.

"Niklaus!" I hear Elijah yell, he's angry and I subconsciously flinch. He's never hurt me, in fact there hasn't been many times when he's even been angry at me. But still when he gets angry it scares me. When anyone gets angry it scares me.

"Let me be, Elijah!" I here Klaus fire back, his voice makes me whimper. Fear flooding my body, I freeze up, even my breathing slowing.

"Tell me what you did!" Elijah yells, "You haven't seen her Niklaus, she is terrified! Terrified of you! So you tell me! What! Did! You! Do!?" He yells, his voice booming through the halls and to my room.

"That is none you your concern, brother!" Klaus spits back, I hear a loud thump. I guessing Elijah had Klaus against a wall.

"Of course it is my business! She is my sister as well as yours! Why is Abbe so scared?" He says the last bit quietly with venom in his voice.

"Leave it, Elijah!"

"I will, Niklaus! I will take Abbe and we will leave. So, tell me now, before you regret it! What did you do? Or should I ask Abbe myself?" His voice was calm but held pain and a threat. I almost wished he would go through with it, take me away from Klaus.

But I knew, that would never happen. Elijah would be daggered by the end of the day and I would be left alone.

"You would never dare!" Klaus yelled back, before a phone rang and footsteps suddenly got closer to my room. I couldn't tell who it was, they were fast and angered by the recent fight. I cowered against the window seat, the farthest spot from the door.
The door sung open and I could feel my self relax, although not completely.

"You heard." Elijah stated, I nodded even though we both knew the answer already. He shook his head at the ground and walked towards me, he was visibly trying to relax. It was something all my siblings did when they were near me.

"I'm sorry, Abbe. Niklaus has stepped out for a while, shall we go downstairs?" He asked, I nod and he reaches out his hand. I took it tentatively, grateful he wasn't one for large gestures of affection. Otherwise I might have cried, had he hugged me.

"A drink?" Elijah asked once we were downstairs in the kitchen. I nod as he reaches into the fridge when he pulls out a blood bag I can suddenly feel how hungry I am. My mouth waters, I haven't fed in three days. Taking a quick glance at me Elijah discards the cup he was about to pour it into and hands me the whole bag with a sigh.

"Thanks," I barely get out before my teeth sink through the plastic and I drain the whole thing, then another two.

We sat down on the couch together and I curled up, still not feeling comfortable in the house, which was actually a mansion I had discovered. "Abbe, what did he do?" Elijah asks softly, I shake my head at him. "Please, I need to know. I can not protect you without knowing."

I look up at my oldest brother, he was being completely honest. I know I should be too. I take a deep breath. "He hit me." I whisper. I can practically feel his eyes widen in shock.

"What else?" I curse him for being smart enough to know that wasn't everything.

"He got really angry, he started yelling and he threw me around." I say, tears coming to my eyes at the memory.

Chicago, 1922

I woke up to loud knocking at the door of Damon's apartment, or the apartment of the people Damon killed.

I sat up to go answer it but was pulled back into bed when arms wrapped around my waist. "I was having a good dream too." Damon chuckles, "Leave it, they'll get the memo eventually."

I sigh and lay back down but the banging never ceases. "You'd think they would have left already." I grumble.

"Abbe! Open this door!" I hear Klaus' voice boom through the house. My body goes rigid with his tone and obvious anger.

"I think it's for you," Damon says, rubbing my back to help me calm down. I'd told him about my fear, and he'd been surprisingly accepting of it.
I get up slowly, wrapping my naked body in one of Damon's long shirts.

I open the door, Klaus stands there. He's seething with anger, his body shaking to contain it in a failed attempt to not frighten me. "He's here, we are leaving now!" He says pushing me inside and closing the door behind us.

"Nik, what happened?" I ask, moving behind a door way and pulling on my dress and underclothes that had been discarded the in the hall earlier that night.

"He shot out Gloria's with wooden bullets! That bastard has found us!" He seethes, I nod. We need to leave. "Beka is already at the storage unit, let's go." He says as soon as my dress is facened and my shoes are on.

"I'll be right there." I say, turning towards the room Damon is in. Klaus grabs my shoulder roughly.

"We need to leave now!" He hisses, causing me to cower at the change, his anger now directed at me.

"I need to say good bye!" I say, a small amount of courage running through me before it disappears completely at the look on his face.

"Tell me you are not becoming Rebekah!" He almost yells, certainly waking Damon again.

"But I love him Nik!" His face becomes red with anger and his hand comes across my cheek, hard. I fall to the floor, landing in a way so that my right arm breaks. I let out a scream in pain and I'm yanked upwards by my hair.

I hear Damon coming and I meet his eyes for only a second before I'm thrown against a wall and Damon's neck is snapped. Klaus stands over him with a look of almost triumph, I suck in my breath. Horrified and glad at the same time that Klaus mistook him for human.

Klaus walks towards me and I quickly crawl backwards, trying to get away from him. He grabs my neck and lifts me up, slamming me against the wall. "Don't think you're safe just because I can't dagger you little sister!" He yells, spit flying in my face as I coower back, barely registering that I can no longer breath, my fear is in control.

He drops me and I stand quickly. Walking with my head down and my arms around myself in an attempt at self comfort. He doesn't even check to see that I'm following he knows I am, just like when I was a child with Mikeal.

When we arrive at the storage unit I immediately see Rebekah laying in her coffin, daggered and gray. I watch as Klaus walks over and closes it, no remorse in his eyes. I'm gone in a second, halfway across town.

I left him there, to go off on my own.

-End of flashback-

I'm breathing heavy coming back from my memory, I suddenly register a hand holding my shoulder. I look over slowly, meeting Elijah's eyes.

He saw everything. I flinch back almost falling off the couch but Elijah grabs hold of me and brings me to his side on the couch. He hugs me and kisses my forehead before whispering. "I'm so sorry you went through that. I had no idea." He says, rocking me side to side as my tears started flowing.

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