"'Yeah, it's the least I can do since she's helping me out," Lizzie says and Josie hums in response. "I'm going to go get ready."

She heads to her room and starts getting ready before they hear the doorbell ring. Josie goes to
answer it while Lizzie finishes her makeup. Lizzie hears footsteps approach her room and looks up to see Josie enter, Hope on her heels.

Hope is dressed fairly simply, in a red top, black jeans, and black boots. Her hair is in loose curls, she's ditched her glasses, and has on light makeup. It's nothing special but it's so different from her usual sweaters, ponytail, and glasses combo, that it takes Lizzie by surprise and she finds herself staring,

"Hey," Hope says quietly, causing Lizzie to snap out of her trance. She plays with the black leather jacket she has draped in her arm anxiously and Lizzie picks up on the action. She's still the nervous Hope Mikaelson she has known for years, she thinks as she gives her a quick greeting.

Hope takes a seat on the bed as she watches the twins talk and Lizzie get ready. Lizzie pulls her shirt over her head to put on the top she's chosen, and she can feel eyes on her. She turns her head to find Hope staring before she quickly averts her eyes for being caught. Lizzie's heart quickens a little, realizing Hope had been checking her out.

She quickly pulls on her outfit as Josie says she's ready. The trio head out, taking an Uber to the party a few blocks away.

When they get there Josie's girlfriend, Penelope approaches them. She gives Josie a quick peck on the lips before turning to Lizzie and Hope.

"Sup, Lizzie," she says before noticing Hope standing behind her slightly. Her eyes widen and she throws both of her hands in front of her, gesturing to Hope. "Is that the Hope Mikaelson? Gracing our presence at a party?" Penelope explains as Josie tries to grab her hands to calm her already drunk girlfriend down.

Lizzie turns around and notices Hope looking down, flushing from embarrassment, and suddenly feels oddly protective of her.

"Knock it off, Penelope," she says as she turns to the raven haired girl. Penelope throws her hands up in surrender.

"I'm just shocked is all! It's a pleasant surprise," she says with a lazy smirk, wrapping her waist around Josie's. "There's drinks in the kitchen. We will catch y'all later.

Penelope salutes them as a goodbye, before starting for the backyard with Josie in tow, who calls out a quick, "call if you need anything," before disappearing among the crowd.

Lizzie turns to Hope. "Come on, let's go take a shot," she says as she steers them towards the kitchen. When she gets there she grabs a handle of tequila and some plastic shot glasses, and fills them. She hands one to Hope who takes it hesitantly. Lizzie notices her looking at it warily and grabs her hand.

"Hey, sorry, you don't have to take it if you don't want to," Lizzie says and Hope looks at her before looking down again.

"It's not that I don't want to. I just never have," Hope says and Lizzie nods in understanding.

"Well you can try sipping it if you want, but it's easier to just knock it back fast and suffer for a few seconds," she says and Hope nods.

"Alright, let's do this thing then," Hope says and Lizzie smirks at the girls boldness. They clink glasses before throwing the liquid back into their throats. Lizzie scrunches up her nose before pouring another for herself.

Hope holds out her glass, "May I have another too?" Lizzie nods and pours the alcohol into the glass before they down their second round.

She then pours herself and Hope a drink before they are heading outside. Lizzie spots her friend MG and they head over to him, Lizzie introducing the two to each other. They immediately hit it off when Hope sees MGs Batman key ring and brings it up to him. Lizzie smiles behind her cup as she watches Hope talk animatedly with MG about the latest Batman movie franchise. She has never seen Hope this excited before and she finds herself taking in every feature of Hope as she talks. Hope turns to her and blushes a little when she sees Lizzie staring.

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