"i'm sure you'll be meeting up again. make sure you go for it next time." they said sternly.

"i will." she nodded.

"enough of the gushy stuff, what about the other two. what are they like?" alex asked intrigued.

"they're the same as they are online, george and i fought like siblings the whole time as did george and nick." she started to explain, "to be honest, george argued with everyone like siblings." she shrugged. "but nick, he's super sweet. he's a lot less sarcastic than i thought he'd be though."

"sounds fun, you're really making me want to meet up with bee and carter." alex crossed their arms pouting.

"invite them over for your birthday next month." belle suggested.

"would you mind?" their eyes lit up.

"of course not!" she grinned.

"oh my god!" they danced in excitement, "i'm going to ask them right now." they said running out of her room.


dream sat in his bed hugging belles hoodie, it smelled of her. did he feel a little weird? yes he did but he didn't care. he felt stupid for missing her so much already but he got attached, and he got attached quick.

"patches do you think she feels the same?" he asked his cat who'd cuddled up to his legs.

"i think she might but i'm not sure." he continued.

"what do you think i should do." he asked even though he knew she couldn't answer.

"i feel like you're not participating much in this conversation." he sighed while putting belles hoodie down.


"okay so, we have two options. this white one or this light blue one." alex said holding up the two paint samples.

"what's it for again?" belle asked.

"my room." they smiled widely.

"um, i like the blue." she nodded.

"that's what i was thinking!" they agreed, "oh hang on i need to take this." they said as their phone started to ring.

"who is it?" belle asked out of curiosity.

"george." they said quietly before practically running to their room.

belle giggled to herself at how excitedly alex answered the phone before going to her own room to stream.


"hello chat!" she said enthusiastically after taking down her starting soon screen. "first stream on my account in about two weeks, how we feeling?"

she looked through the chat filled of people saying the missed her and a few saying she had hot hands on george's stream.

"thank you?" she giggled at the hand compliments.

"okay." she said clasping her hands, "back to minecraft." she smiled even though they couldn't see her, loading up the small minecraft server she had with dream, sapnap and george.

"oh looks like sapnaps been on." she rolled her eyes at the sign left in her house.

accidentally killed ur dog lol
here's a few bones for
a new one

"rest in paradise, greg." she sighed. "o7's in the chat guys."

she broke the sign and took the bones before running over to sapnaps house to steal some
diamonds for compensation.

"don't tell him. or do. i don't really care honestly." she giggled.

geezitsgina donated $30
how was the trip with everyone??

"thanks for the donation gina!" the girl grinned, "it was really good! everyone's so sweet and lovely to be around." she answered the question.

twitchuser6 donated $15
can you say "i love you, mia." and did
you eat the cake pops you made? sapnaps
looked horrible.

"thank you for the donation, i love you, mia! and yeah i agree sapnaps looked pretty bad but we all ate ours." she nodded.

"okay so i think i need to go mining because sapnap did not have enough diamonds for me to take." the girl started to talk to herself.

sapnap yo wtf, i join ur stream and the first thing i hear is you talking about robbing me??
twitchuser1 SAPNAP
twitchuser2 hi sapnap!
twitchuser3 sapnap is in chat!

"oh hi sapnap." she laughed nervously, "i think you misheard me. i didn't rob you." she said putting the diamonds she stole into her ender chest. "thanks for the bones by the way."

she continued to stream for a little bit, sapnap joining a vc and talking to her on stream but ended it when alex went live to she could host them.

"alright i'm sending you over to alex now, be nice and behave. i love you all, bye bye." she said softly before ending the stream.

she leaned back in her chair and stretched letting out a huge yawn, "four hour stream, not bad." she said proudly.

"well done. almost like that's your job." sapnap teased.

"shut up, pandas." she joked back.

"right well i should get going, i promised clay i'd help him with some shorts video." sapnap explained before leaving.

"bye!" she said before leaving as well.

authors note
i know what i want to
write but idk how to
write it in 😩

unrelated to the story
but i'm getting two
vaccinations next
week and i'm so
scared :/

i also have a lot of
tests that determine
if i can take my chosen
courses next year again
so apologies if updates
are slow next week :)

anyhoo~ i hope you're
doing well! happy

i love you, take care of
yourself you deserve it <3

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