"His paws are dirty here use this so your clothes don't get dirty" he hands me a hoodie to wear on my lap. "Thank you now for that bagel you wanted"

"Muffin" he says

"Muffin"I repeat

"Dammit fucking paparazzi" we both say at the same time. "Are they here for us?" I ask trying to duck down in hopes that we're not seen.

"I don't think so which means I think we're safe to go" he says unbuckling his seatbelt. "Should I leave storm or take him?" I ask he speculated for a second before giving in.

"Take him it's fine"

Thankfully the paparazzi didn't notice us and we got in the coffee shop with no problem. "Good morning what can I get for you" the blonde girl asks Mathias and doesn't spare me a single glance.

"I'll have a black coffee with a blueberry muffin actually make it a regular muffin" Mathias tells the waitress who is fluttering her eyelashes at him but he seems oblivious. "Okay will that be all"

"No she still needs to order" he glides his hand down my back and the waitress seems to notice "And what would you like?" She says in a fake tone "I'll just have an iced coffee and can I ask does Mrs. Garcia still own this shop?" I ask her

"Okay I'll get that for you and yeah she does I'll call her over" she says heading to the back, "Adelina!!" The old lady comes yelling with flour on her face "Mrs. Garcia how are you" I Lean in for a hug leaving Mathias hand from my back. Out of a sudden I begin to feel cold.

"You look so beautiful! Weren't you on the cover of Vogue was it?"

"Haha I wish I'm not that far yet but thank you and you don't look a day over 30" she blushes at my comment  "Oh honey please I'm 60 but it's the moisturizer I use" Mathias and I laugh "Oh my Jesus Mathias knight!! You have grown so much" she hugs him in a adoring way like a grandma who hasn't seen her grandchild.

"Good morning Mrs gracia you look beautiful as always" like a 14 year old girl she blushes again before complimenting him. I still can't believe Mathias can pull women half his age. "Still a flirt I see, so are you guys finally together I remember when my husband and I used to ship these two when they would come in always fighting but ended up sharing a muffin but it had to plain because Adelina was allergic to blueberries and -"she blabers to the blonde waitress whom had come back from the back of the bakery.

"Okay grandma chill" the waitress says. "Anyways here are your coffee and muffins" she hands us our stuff and walks back out to help other customers.

"Sorry for my blabbering but you guys would be so cute" she gushes as we both laugh awkwardly not knowing what to say to her.

"It's fine Mrs. Garcia anyways we have to leave we have kids at home not like that but you now what I mean- "I hit Mathias in the gut to shut up "He  means our friends their at home we'll have to visit you soon though"

"Oh alright it was nice seeing you" she hugs us both as we bid our goodbyes. "Shit paparazzi saw us" he grabs the coffee and food from me and hands me storm who he's been carrying all this time.

"Ready?" He asks behind me I nod grabbing some sunglasses I found in the pocket of Mathias hoodie


"Look here"

"When did you guys start hanging out"

Mathias opened the door for me handing me the coffees to hold and grabs storm from me as he closes the door. "That was not too bad" he say's starting the car. "You love taking my dog from me huh" I smile liking the fact he's affectionate toward my dog.

"He's cute and very calming to drive around with don't be surprised if I break into your home just to steal him for a quick drive"

I secretly take out my phone to take a picture of the great view. Mathias with his sunglasses on caring storm with one hand while the other is on the steering wheel. "If you are going to take a picture at least make it look good"

"It does I am an impeccable photographer" I tell him.

"Hey so why don't you like Alex?" He asks out a sudden that I don't even have time to think. I begin to think maybe something could be going on between them, I wouldn't doubt it she's pretty and Mathias can't hold back. I know from experience.

"What makes you think I don't like her"

"In class the little nerd fights plus after you invited all three but only told the guys to show up at your house while you left her out" he raises an eyebrow at me but ignore it "I'm not a nerd"

"Don't change the subject" He looks away from the street to give me a confused look

"It's not that I don't like her I'm just not very fond of her" I explain "You don't have to feel threatened by her" a pain of guilt rushes out. I don't feel threatened I just have my reasons.

"Who is saying anything about feeling threatened" I raise an eyebrow at him, I wouldn't be lying if I didn't say I wasn't a little mad he was accusing me of hating someone I don't even know.

"No one I'm just telling you that you are gorgeous and fucking loaded don't worry about shit" he tells me making me feel a weird feeling in my stomach "Whatever just keep driving" I try and hide my smile but he catches it.

Fucking Mathias Knight why are you doing this again. I can't let it happen. Last time was too much to handle.

But I know myself and I know whatever this is isn't over, and I want to punch myself over and over again for it because why can't I just be like everyone else and move on.

Why? Is the question.

A Two Year DesireWhere stories live. Discover now