Daniel pulls a gun from his pocket the second he feels intimidated, so instinctively I reached for mine too, meaning we're both standing aiming at each other. I'm not actually gonna shoot, because Harlow probably would never look at me the same so the only bad thing that could come of this is that Daniel could shoot me.

This time a year ago I wouldn't have been afraid of dying, but now I have Harlow and she's lost absolutely everything. I promised her I'd never leave her and that means I've got to stay alive.

She really is all I'm living for at this point.

The guys all stepped forward in panic, however when they saw me pull a gun on Daniel they paused and decided just to stand back and let me deal with it. Zayn was headed off back to my car and climbed on the opposite side to Harlow so presumably he was going to check on her.

I'm lucky to have these guys, really fucking lucky.

"Demi, get in the car." I state again, more directly this time as I keep my gun aimed at Daniel.

"You get in that car and I'll shoot him, Demi. Think wisely sweetheart because this man's life is in your hands." He says, keeping his eyes fixed on me as if he thinks he's intimidating me.

Liams footsteps started growing louder and I could see him wandering over to Demi, followed by Niall and Louis. Daniel was quick to point the gun at them too but they weren't phased, they trust me enough not to let Daniel shoot at them so they continue walking to her.

"What did you do to Harlow?" I seethe, trying to distract him from the whole Demi situation.

"Burning her club down was the worst of it, didn't have the chance to do the rest thanks to somebody." He emphasises the 'somebody' and points the gun at Demi, who looks more terrified than ever right now.

Now that I think of it, Demi knew he was going to do that to her club and she still decided to work there and form a friendship with the owner. That's fucking low, but maybe Daniel put her up to and if that's the case, that's even worth on his behalf. Poor Demi formed friendships and had to ruin them.

"You fucking asshole." I chuckle sarcastically, "shoot that gun at her and I won't just kill you, but I'll drag it out so long you'll be fucking begging for me to kill you."

He swallowed in discomfort but kept that smug look remaining on his face. The guys were all stood in front of Demi now and Daniel, despite his ballsy look on his face, is never going to shoot them, not after doing whatever he has to Harlow. He knows better than that, because once I care about somebody I'm all in, and when someone messes with somebody I care about, all mercy goes out the window.

Harlow Dean

I don't think I've ever been in more pain in my life, both emotional and physical. Everything fucking hurts; my rib, my head, my heart, the fact I've lost my club and the fact I'm losing myself more and more as time goes by.

Harry's probably gonna start losing his patience with me, and then he'll leave too.

The worst thing is that I can't even help it, I'm too far gone from the version of myself that was once happy that I don't even know who she is anymore. I've lost quite literally everything.

As I'm sitting in his car, back at the place I sprinted away from just hours ago I almost feel like I need to throw up, although I know it's all psychological. Harry also took out a gun which is terrifying, but I'm past the point of worrying about that shit now, Daniels already had one held to my head.

I couldn't really tell what was happening, but Zayn decided to come join me because apparently he felt bad for me. He didn't really know what to do, but he said he felt like an idiot just standing there and wanted Harry to think he was doing something productive.

We pretty much just sat in silence, him observing what was going on outside and mumbling 'shit' a few times, and me just getting lost within my own head. Thst was until the shouting got louder and when I looked over the passenger seat, Harry and Daniel were both holding guns at each other.

"They're not actually gonna kill each other, this happens every couple of months." Zayn says, almost as if that's actually reassuring. "Although this will probably be the last time considering Daniel doesn't really have a gang anymore."

The rest of the guys were standing in front of Demi whilst Daniel and Harry stood having a standoff, both screaming at each other with their hands holding guns at each other. Harry's jaw is so tensed it's straining his neck and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't absolutely petrified right now.

I can't lose him too.

Harry shouted back at Demi and the guys, and immediately they ran towards the car. Zayn jumped out his side and stood behind the door waiting for the to approach, however my eyes were still remaining on Harry and Daniel because the outcome of this doesn't look good at all.

"Harlow...why did you..." Demi stood at the car door, tears streaming down her face, "why did you come back?"

Thankfully the car is a good few metres away from Harry and Daniel, because right now I haven't got a clue what to do. I'm too scared to take my eyes off of Harry in case something happens, but Demi is also climbing into the car next to me in tears and I'm also trying to accept the fact I'm back at the place I was tied to a chair at just hours all.

It's all too much.

I'd love to comfort her, I'd love to tell her I forgive her but it feels as though I can't do anything right now. It's like a panic attack without the trembling hands and I'm actually able to breathe right now, so I don't know what's happening but it feels awful.

"Are you okay?" Demi asks, Zayn shutting the door behind her, leaving us two alone in Harry's car.

"No." I answer back, staring out the side window.

"Thank you..." her voice is shaky and the atmosphere extremely awkward, but she shouldn't be thanking me, I wouldn't leave someone with a man like him no matter what they've done to me. I've been in that position before and nobody deserves that.

I don't respond, just keep nervously chewing the skin on my lip in the hopes Harry will come back and we can go home. I'm gonna help Demi and her mother but right now, I just want to go home.

Harry Styles

Demi is in my car, Harlow is in my car and the boys are wandering back over because we've done exactly what we've come here to do. Daniel has lost everything and that's payback ruining my birdys life. I really hope he enjoys his future of loneliness.

"You lose Daniel." I smirk, still mirroring his actions of pointing a gun at my head. "Now put the gun down and let us walk out of here in one piece."

Daniel drops his hand, taking the gun back down to his waist and immediately I turn my head to look at the guys who are smiling ear to ear over the fact that we really have just defeated him. It gives victory a whole new definition.

I place my gun back in my pocket and give Daniel an overly friendly smile before turning my back to him to join the guys to walk back to our cars. Liam swung an arm round me and all four of them let out their own version of an excited cheer.

Until I heard the sound of a gunshot, and realised that the bullet had not struck me.

Sorry this is short, I'll get the next chapter up ASAP

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