[2-184] Who'd come to your aid at the last moment?

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Let's say, that you are in a bad situation - it looks like you're going to either die, lose or get in trouble. However, at the very last moment someone comes to your aid. Who is it?

Aries: Maki Harukawa

Taurus: Kazuichi Soda

Gemini: Jataro Kemuri (or Izuru)

Cancer: Miu Iruma

Leo: Nekomaru Nidai

Virgo: Leon Kuwata

Libra: Chihiro Fujisaki

Scorpio: Monokuma (or Ibuki)

Sagittarius: Monaca (or Kiibo)

Capricorn: Hiroko Hagakure (or Hiyoko)

Aquarius: Ultimate Imposter

Pisces: Celestia Ludenberg

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