Chapter 28| Hosu City Attack

Começar do início

Midoriya stood next to Todoroki, Gojira on the other side. They intentionally put themselves in front of Iida and Native so Stain couldn't lay a finger on them. Gojira tore a piece of his uniform from his arm off, using it to patch up the cut going across his chest.

"Now that that's settled." Gojira flashed his claws, "We got work to do."

Todoroki and Midoriya nod, agreeing to the boy's words. "If we play this strategically we will win, no doubt." Said Midoriya. He had already went to analyzing the battle, coming up with a plan.

"If we can just overwhelm him..."

"Got it." Gojira smirked before spilling a plan of his own.

"Me and Midoriya try our hand at battling Stain up close and personal. Meanwhile, Todoroki will be our ranged fighter. We'll need your ice and fire attacks to keep Stain on his toes."

"Hopefully this plan doesn't fuck up. I don't have another idea after this." Gojira sighed.

Midoriya's only response was a quick nod.

Todoroki on the other hand was a bit hesitant with Gojira's decision. He held his left arm which was leaking with the warm red liquid Stain had come to love the taste of. "He's too fast. He can dodge my ice and fire, I'd be left unguarded when attacking."

"So this plan is a pretty big risk, Gojira." There was a second of silence before Todoroki spoke again—

"Ok. We can protect them!"

Stain popped his knuckles as his smile faded into a frown. "Three against one, huh? This fight won't be easy." He hunched over slightly, his sword tightening in his hand.

Todoroki's eyes narrowed as he stared the Hero Killer down. 'Iida. I've been worried about you ever since your brother was attacked. I can recognize the face of someone who is drowning in resentment.'

"Let's do it." Gojira blasted forward with Midoriya close behind.

'And I know just how narrow your field of vision can get when you long for justice. That day, I told her about my life with father, and told her who I had become.

She cried and apologized, but she forgave me; faster than I ever imagined. She told me to move forward, that nothing was holding me back. And that doing so would be her salvation. If I hadn't spoken to her, I wouldn't have been able to choose my old man's agency from my internship.

I haven't forgiven him. I doubt I ever truly will. But I chose him, so I can learn what it takes to be the #2 hero with my own eyes and ears. I had to know.'

From Gojira's palm was his atomic blast, crashing into the pavement next to Stain. "Damn, I was off." Gojira turned his body midair to redo his attack. Midoriya flew in to assist, swinging at Stain but his attack was dodged.

From behind them, Todoroki shot waves of fire and ice at Stain to keep him moving. If they were lucky enough, he'd fall directly into one of their attacks.

"Gah!" Midoriya suffered a cut on his leg that made him fall down. Stain loomed over his body with a wide smile. 'It's no good. His fighting style has completely changed!'

Gojira's hand closed on Stain's foot. He lifted Hero Killer above himself, slamming him into the ground. With his hand still locked onto his foot, he stepped onto his chest and aimed his hand at his face.

Blue smoke rose from Gojira's palm, another atomic beam almost at the ready. Stain knew this all too well.

He freed his left arm quick enough to jab a smaller knife into Gojira's heel, changing the trajectory of the blast.

"You have to run." Iida, now in tears, begged his classmates. "I can't watch this."

Todoroki grit his teeth at Iida's words. Suddenly he yelled out—"You wanna make your brother proud?! Then stand up and be Ingenium!"

Stain licked the blood that tainted his sword. Once he did Midoriya dropped to the ground. "He got me again!"

Gojira ducked under the sword swing, thrusting his body into Stain's midsection. It was enough to make Stain slam into the side of a building. 'Can't let my guard down.' He thought.

'Now where is he...?'

Stain bellowed in rage, rushing Gojira once more.

"There!" Gojira threw his elbow, but Stain knew the wiser. He jumped into the air with a dark, no, wicked smile twisted into his face.

His sword swung into a downward arc, narrowly missing Gojira's face.

"Become the hero your brother would want you to be!" Todoroki's left side roared to life after that spew of encouraging words to Iida.

'I am Ingenium...and I will defeat you!'

Iida's breath hitched, his muscles tensing.

'That I promise!'

He felt slight movement in his fingertips, slowly regaining control over his body.



I've got some explaining to do. at least school's out now so I can start posting chapters again!

By the way, did you know the author is such a procrastinator that they started this book in 2021 and has only made it to season 2?

Such a loser. *insert head shake*

But I really do apologize for the hold up! I'll get back to TRYING to post regularly now, ok bye!

HEROIC TITANS|Godzilla X MHAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora