Chapter 25: Twister

Comenzar desde el principio

"X32c is a group of kids years ago that have more magic and skill than a average person or wizard should have. One can take out a group of 20 men less than 30 minutes."

"Are they that strong?" Meredy asked as I nodded.

"Yes to my knowledge of this is that the group of kids were killed in the building for trying to escape. I only know that were two survivors. Out of
twenty kids." I said as I closed my eyes and looked at the sky.

"Out Of Twenty Kids that is Crazy!" Meredy said.

"Do you know the two survivors?" Jellal asked as I looked at him.

"Yes one but I think the other is the caused of this. The name and story I am going to say you can't tell anyone." I responded as they nodded.

"You know the rumors of Twister." I said as I sit down on a big rock.

"Yes, that helped many towns from a unknown enemies." Jellal said.

"There was one enemy." I corrected.

"The enemy was one of the survivors." I replied and looked back to the ground.

"Then the Twister person was the other survivor." Meredy said as I nodded.

"They both used to be friends, until after the incident they met again. The other started attacking the other survivor for no reason that the
person knew of. Since then the other attacks towns to get the other's attention. Twister and the other survivor started hating each other since
then to now."

"You know Wendy's older sister. Am I right?" I said as they nodded.

"Her full name before she found out about Wendy was Skylar Twister." I said. I looked at them to see them surprised.

"If she haven't met all of her friends even her exceed Stella, she would be the same cold hearted girl to everybody except children from years ago." I said.

"But we saw fight in the Grand Magic Games, She looked beat." Meredy said.

"I also wondered about that too. But I bet it was all an act from her. She doesn't show her full magic. She holds back if you are strong and no one is around. Then you are screwed. She will knock the heck hell of yeah. " I chuckled.

"Have you seen her go all out?" Jellal asked as I nodded.

"I have when she is angry, in my opinion it's like seeing a devil or a monster." I responded.

"I have to go back to go back to headquarters. You can't tell anyone about the information I gave you. Take care of yourselves." I said as I teleport.
~Skylar Pov~

We were driving on motorcycles with lacrima.

I was with Akio, Ayako and Ryan on another motorcycle. Kyo was lucky driving by himself.

"Hey what was that about back there? In the magic council head corners." Akio is using telepathy.

"I was taking back the things that I needed." I said in my head.

I said as he nodded.

"You aren't p-" He got cut off, as the motorcycle monitor making some weird sounds.

"Teleport." Ryan shouted as we teleported away from the motorcycle that exposited into pieces.

"They probably found the motorcycle and put explosives on the engine. We probably have run from here." Ryan says.

"Crocus is 10 miles away. We only have 10 minutes before it starts." Ayako explained. She pointed to the direction where was Crocus.

"We can teleport but it's going to take time." Kyo said.

"We could but Akio and I have to use a lot of magic to teleport a person from the distance." Ryan said

"Ayako and I could transfer some of our magic to you guys while teleporting there." I said. They nodded.

"That is a good idea. Finally you spoke. You were too quiet." Ayako says smiling. I returned the smile.

Akio catch me off guard by picked me up bridal style.

"Ready." Akio asked me looking at my eyes and smiling. I nodded.

"Don't use to much energy. I am going to give you some of my magic energy." I said as he chuckled.
We started teleporting every two miles. Ayako and I giving magic energy to them.


~Stella Pov~

Some wizards took the citizens took them to a safe place. The rest of the wizards are in the middle of Crocus.

"Someone has the guts to threated the Kingdom." Gajeel sighs.

"I'm fired up to beat the crap of them." Natsu yells having his fist in the air.

"Hey isn't that Skylar." Lucy asked and pointed behind me.

I turned around to see Skylar with her pants ripped by the sides and looking at the ground.

I see Erza and Gray about to run towards her. I stopped them by putting my sword front of them.

"She is not Skylar. She doesn't have the same scent." Gajeel growls.

We see the impostor walking at first then started running. She jumped to the air as she had swords on both hands. Erza blocks her attacks. Gray freezes her feet to the ground. I turned in big form and swing my sword on her. She drops the sword and started flinching.

"TTTTTTT-They DDDDDD-Declared WWWWWWWWW-War." She says as she broke into pieces like glass.

"Was that a robot of Skylar?" Lucy asks as I nodded.
"If the robot has the same power as Skylar. It would be hard to defeat. This one was just playing around. I am judging." I explained.

We heard something drop on the ground. We look forward as our eyes widened.

"It's possible." I muttered to see robot clones of Skylar and other kids.

'Where are you? Skylar.'

~To Be Continued...~

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