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Yoongi and Hoseok were together in their dorm after school. Yoongi was taking a nap and Hoseok was scrolling through his phone. His mind was hung on that feeling he had gotten from Yoongi a few days ago. It was a feeling he didnt recognize. Was that sadness? He asked himself before laughing and shaking his head. It couldn't be. He couldnt feel sadness.

Yoongi soon started to stir, shifting in his bed until his eyes opened.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Hoseok said, smiling at the older.

"Hey. You doing ok?" Yoongi asked, still laying down and looking up at Hoseok from his position.

"Yeah, im alright."

"Hey, Seokie, I have a question." Yoongi said as he sat up to face Hoseok.

"What is it?"

"You can't feel sadness or pain. So, does that mean you cant feel guilt either? Considering guilt is an emotion that stems off of sadness in general. Guilt comes with a majority of feelings, anger, sadness, disappointment...so I was wondering if you could feel guilt at all." Yoongi explained himself.

"Hm...I never thought about it. I dont think I've ever felt guilty but then again, I've had nothing to feel guilty for. So I'm not sure." Hoseok answered, shrugging slightly.

"I guess that makes sense." Yoongi said, standing from his bed. "And hey, if you wanted I could be with you more. If anyone bothers you I could help like i did the other day." Yoongi offered kindly.

Hoseok smiled slightly at the offer and nodded. "That would be nice, but dont make it so you feel like you have to be there. I can handle myself pretty well." Hoseok assured him.

"Sure, sure." Yoongi said, nodding back.

The next week passed by as normal. There was nothing out if the ordinary. Hoseok was picked on a little but like normal, he didnt feel any of the pain that was supposed to come with it.

Of course, things never stayed normal forever. Yoongi one day after school was sitting against the lockers as he watched someone alone inside of a classroom. Hoseok came over and tapped his shoulder.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked as he sat down next to the older.

"Watching that girl." He said, motioning to the classroom across the hall.


"Shes having a mental breakdown." Yoongi answered.

"Oh- oh no...we should go help her."

"No, no. Shes trying to cry. Shes overwhelmed and wants to cry." Yoongi explained.

"Oh...I see. Does crying help help with being overwhelmed?" Hoseok asked innocently.

"It can if you've bottled up a lot of emotions." He said, and soon the girl started to cry.

It was more subtle than before, but Hoseok felt the same heaviness in his chest as before. His eyes clouded slightly and he frowned, unsure of why he was having difficulty seeing.

"Hoseok?" Yoongi asked, poking him lightly. "Did you get something in your eye? You're tearing up." The older pointed out.

Hoseok snapped back to reality and wiped his eyes. "Yea, probably- weird." He said, laughing it off.

That feeling was weird. It was different. It was scary. He didnt like the heaviness in his chest or the tears in his eyes. It was new to him. It wasnt normal for him. Why did he feel like that so randomly? Did he feel bad that the girl was crying? He was confused and frustrated.

"I'm gonna head back to our dorm. I'll see you when you get back." Hoseok said as he stood.

Yoongi nodded and smiled, waving him off. "I'll see you later then, Seokie." He said sweetly.

Hoseok just nodded and walked off, the heavy feeling in his chest slowly easing up until it was gone all together. He took a deep breath once the feeling went away, wiping his eyes once more before retreating into his dorm room and flopping onto his bed. His mind raced with questions, sadly having the answer to none of them. He was tired. He closed his eyes, and not even minutes later, he drifted off into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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