"I'm not lying."

"Huh?" Eddie turned his head, only to feel (Y/n) grab his shoulders tightly and stare dead into his eyes.

"I said, I'm not lying." (Y/n)'s voice raised towards the boy, which made him a big uneasy and nervous. "When I said that I liked when we spoke...that wasn't a lie. I did like it."

"...Sorry..." Eddie murmured, still a bit on edge. "...I made you mad..."

"H-Huh? Oh!" (Y/n) released him from her grasp, backing away. "No, no, you didn't do anything wrong! I just kinda...ah, my bad!"

Eddie nods, softly giving her a "mhm" to make sure she understood he was paying attention. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean it like that! Uhm...I thought you were just trying to be nice to me!"

(Y/n) smiled at him, shaking her head. "No, I really did like talking to you. When you were showing me that garden...it was so beautiful. I really enjoyed it."

Eddie's eyes sparkle again as he nods. "I can take you back if you want! I won't tackle you this time, I swear it!"

Before she could even answer, Eddie began walking—practically skipping from such bubbly steps—in the direction of the garden. (Y/n) followed close behind, not wanting to get lost in this somewhat large floor.

"What type of flowers do you grow? They're all so beautiful."

"Ehehe! I love poppies the most, but my aesthetic choice would be any flower with pastel petals. My mom used to arrange bouquets of flowers for the people who have lost their loved one. They were almost always pastel, depending on the aesthetic of the funeral."

(Y/n) had no idea what he was talking about at first, but pieced together that his family must've been associated with grave making and funeral arrangements, which is why Eddie knew so much about them. "Ah, that's very kind..."

"Haha, right? They were always so pretty too! They all had different names since the were arranged in different shapes and sizes. Like "Healing Tears" or "Heavenly Garden." They were always so pretty to me!" the masked boy continued to ramble on, all in which (Y/n) paid close attention to. She found what he was saying very intriguing and interesting since she had some experience with death.

Soon enough, Eddie led her up a flight of stone steps and into the garden once again. It hadn't changed since she last saw it, bringing a smile to her face. "It's so lovely up here...and you did this all by yourself?"

"Everything! From the rocks to the flowers! I did all of this..." Eddie chuckled a little, but it sounded off compared to his usual childish aura. (Y/n) turned her attention to him, seeing that through the slits of his mask, his eyes carried nothing but malice. "I did it all. No one else. Me. This is my floor. Everything on it is mine. My graves, my flowers, my tools, everything. Even you."

(Y/n) took a few steps back, nearly tripping over a rock and falling. Eddie didn't seem to notice though—he was too caught up in his own thoughts. For a split second, (Y/n) thought about running away. However, that idea was completely smothered like a small flame after a short time of thinking about it. There was no where to run. She had agreed to stay here in this building knowing that these people were mentally unstable.

There was nothing she could do.

Eddie began approaching her, causing her to panic. Out of no where, words began falling from her mouth just in hopes to calm him down. "S-So uh...how d-do you get around so quickly and easily? U-Uh...in the dark I mean! C-Cause...you were moving so stealthily when y-you...uh...when I was here the last time!"

Eternal Sleep  (Eddie x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now