Chapter 15

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Seojun Pov

I woke up to saw Suho laying on top of me,sleeping peacefully...his long eyelashes resting quitely on his dusted pink cheeks..he is looking like a pure baby...

I checked the time.. "Ohh shoot, we are going to be late, Suho get up baby we gonna be late" I shake him..suho got up and sit on sofa as he rubs his sleepy eyes..ohmoo my heartu can't handle his cuteness..

"What's the time junnie" he asked.."it's 7:45 am we Just have 15 mins love let's go" I said, he widened his eyes "OMG we are late, principal will kill us let's get ready" he said as he ran to my room and I trailed behind him..

"Baby let's shower together so we'll be fast" I said while removing my T shirt.."I am not gonna come into ur antics seojun we don't have time I will go first to shower" he said

"Babe I promise I will not do anything we'll just shower" I innocently said..he narrowed his eyes and said "promise"
I nodded frantically "ok then let's go" he said and we both went to shower..

(After shower)

"Let me drive we'll be fast" I said as I run off to driving seat "If I got scolding then forget about touching me for 3 months Han seojun" he said angrily.."Baby I am so sorry" I said "shut up u horny ass and drive" he said as he sat on passenger seat..I started driving

After about 20 mins we reach school and we both miss our first 2 classes, we ran off to principal office and knocked

"COME IN" a voice came from inside and we both went inside principal office.."oh you two, why you both are late?" Principal asked and suho glared at me..

"It's his fault sir" suho innocently said pointing at me..l look at him in disbelief "care to explain Mr han why you both are late" Principal said, suho smirked at me..

"Umm-ahh we got caught in traffic sir" I said while scratching the back of my head.. principal look at us for a minute but beleive my lie anyways..

"Okay, so do you both patch up" he asked..I smiled and nodded my head "yes sir we both now are good friends" suho said.. I scoffed friend my ass..friends don't fuck..

"We are boyfriends sir" I said as I peck his lips softly..suho eyes widened and the principal look so shocked "sir?" I said to bring the principal back from his shocking world.. "ahmm yeah...YAHH YOU HAN SEOJUN, I DON'T NEED PDA" he shouted at me and I can see suho glare from the side but I just ignore it..

"Uhmm but it's ok as long as you are not getting in each other throats" he said "But sir we get in each other throats and-" I got cut of by suho slamming his hand on my mouth.. "don't mind him sir, Thank you we'll be get going and here are the keys" suho hurriedly give the keys to principal and drag me out of the principal room..

"YAHH HAN SEOJUN, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND..WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU SAYING THERE" he screamed "Oh my Baby calm down I am just teasing you because you just said we are "good friends" that's it" I said calmly..

"Goodness seojun-ahh,I can't beat you in argument let's get to the class" he said "But babe it's lunch time already, let's go to cafeteria directly then we'll head to our next classes" I said and intervined our fingers..

We both took our tray of lunch and sat down.."HEYYY GUYSSSSSSS" Jugkyeong screamed and plopped down in front of our seat..

"Why you both are late?" She asked and again suho pointed at me.. jugkyeong look at me for the reason...

"Why you always blaming me jagiya" I pouted "Because you are the one who can't control ur horny ass" he said while eating his rice "Yahh Suho you're saying like you don't want that" I poked his cheeks "Exactly I just want a shower" he glared at me "yeah..yeah and who are shouting for ahh seojun more, faster" I mimicked his words..

Hate at first sight❤️ (suseo) Boy×Boy {Completed} ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now