Chapter 7

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Suho's Pov

I just stood there dumbfounded. What the hell just happened? What did Seojun do? Why does he care where I was or whose clothes I was wearing? It's not like he likes me, right? Does he like me?

I snickered at my own thoughts. Come on, he is just messing with me. He will never like me. He just loves to see me hopeless because that's what he said back then. That he will make my life a livin' hell.

It is actually hell because being in love with a person who doesn't love you back is super painful. It hurts me to think that one day he'll have a beautiful wife and children and I'll remain an enemy always. Tears slipped past my eyes.

Even for one day if he showed me his love I would be so grateful and live the rest of my life with that one memory. But it will never happen. Oh well, it doesn't hurt to imagine a life with Seojun, right?

For once I just want him to care for me like I care for him, love me like I love him. God, is it too much to ask for?

I sighed and went to my room to change. I need to get rid of these feelings. I took my bag and walked to school because my car was already parked there.

Seojun’s POV

I enter my class and sit at my usual seat near the window. We have a free period because the teacher is absent. Everyone was at the field playing and here I am sitting alone in the classroom. I don't know what is happening. Sometimes I want Suho all to myself and sometimes I hate him with all my guts.

"HAN SEOJUNNNNNNN," Jugkyeong screamed at my face. "Why the hell are you screaming, idiot!?" I asked her. "Yah! Bitch I was calling you for like 5 minutes now and you're busy ogling at a tree," she said angrily as she sat in front of my seat.

I just stared at her. "Spill," she said, casually. "Spill what!?" I asked her, confused. "You know Seojun. I know you more than you know yourself. Something is off with you for the past few days. At first I thought it'll go away, but now I am getting worried about you. So tell me," she said in a worried tone.

I laughed and said "you and worried? Oh my Jugkyeong! Stop kidding me," she just glared at me with a ‘I a-m n-o-t J-o-k-i-n-g w-i-t-h y-o-u’ look. I stopped laughing because I know if I provoke her more, she'll kill me and bury me without anyone knowing.

"Nothing's wrong, Jugkyeong. I was just worried about upcoming exams," I assured her. Now it's her turn to laugh. "You think I am a fool like you? You? Worried about exams? My foot. Now spill the truth if you don't wanna die at an early age," she warned me.

Should I tell her about Suho and my sexuality? Umm she is the only friend whom I can trust and if I tell her my heart will be at ease. "Actually umm I am confused about my sexuality," I said, while scratching the back of my head. She looked at me confused and said, "Will you please elaborate?"

"I LIKE SUHO'' I blurted out. She was just sitting, going through what I said. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! REALLY? AHH REALLY HAN SEOJUN? GOD MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN FULFILLED. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING. MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT. THE COUPLE I SHIP FOR FROM SO LONG ARE GOING TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP. AHHHHHH," she squealed so loudly while jumping up and down. Thank god there's no one in class. Gosh, she is embarrassing me.

"YAH! SIT DOWN," I told her, annoyed by her act. She rolled her eyes and sat down. "SO TELL ME WHAT YOU GUYS DO!? WHO ASKED WHO OUT? HAVE YOU GUYS HAD SEX YET? AND DON'T FORGET TO INVITE ME TO YOUR WEDDING. I AM YOUR BIG SHIPPER," she chirped happily.

I looked at her in disbelief. I am so dumb to be friends with her. "Shut up Jugkyeong! No one asked anyone out and there's nothing going on between us," I told her calmly. Her eyes were saddened.

"But you said you like him," she said while pouting. I sighed "I said I like him Jugkyeong. But he doesn't like me and you already know we both are enemies and-" she cut me off. "Haven't you seen k-dramas? Everyone becomes enemies then they eventually fall in love," she said in a happy tone.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Real life is not k-dramas and I am telling you I like him but I don't know if it's mutual or not. What if it's just a phase and you know I just dated girls in the past so I don't wanna hurt Suho. I don't wanna play with his feelings, Jugkyeong." I told her truthfully.

"See Seojun! I know it's a bit hard to accept that you like a boy. Because your whole life you thought you just liked girls but now you know a person's feelings change. I also don't want you to hurt Suho but you will know if it's just a phase or if you really feel something for Suho strongly," she said as she patted my shoulder.

"I don't know what to feel anymore. I just think I am gonna distance myself from Suho. Maybe I will understand or get rid of whatever it is I am feeling," I told her while brushing my hair.

She smiled and said, "I want to say two things. If it's love Seojun, it will not go away easily even if you want to run away from it. You can't control who you fall in love with. Being in love is a beautiful feeling, believe me," she said.

I just looked at her, "Sometimes you can say something so deep, Jugkyeong, that I don't understand anything," I chuckled. "You will know soon," she stood up.

"You can tell me anything. I will help you no matter what," she said in an assuring tone. "And you know I am the biggest shipper of you both and I will pray that you and Suho become a couple. Then I can rest in peace seeing my two babies happy," she dramatically said.

I don't know what to say to her anymore, "Whatever Jugkyeong! Thanks for listening to me," I smiled at her. My heart is really at ease after sharing this with her, but I still need to figure this out.

"You don't need to thank me bish. For you I am free anytime. Gotta go! Now I have dance practice. Bye, take care," she winked and left the classroom.

I put my head down. I don't know what love is till now and I also don’t know what I am feeling for Suho.

But Jugkyeong’s words stayed in my heart… 

Being in love is a beautiful feeling



Hate at first sight❤️ (suseo) Boy×Boy {Completed} ✔️ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora