Trying to get rid of him is like trying to get rid of a spider; he's really scary and obnoxious but you won't be able to get any sleep knowing he's still around. I don't know why the hell I let what happened today happen. We shouldn't have even kissed in the first place otherwise this wouldn't be happening.

Or would it?

I groaned to myself and threw the heavy blankets over my body, wrapping my arms around a pillow. My eyes fluttered shut and I fell asleep hoping that my first day of work would be able to help my already stressed mind.


"You look ready to start your first day alright," Casey said with a grin as I walked upstairs, tucking my blouse into my skirt.

"I don't feel ready," I tiredly murmured, slipping into my seat at the table just as Hayden handed me a plate of pancakes. "I've been stressing out over it since I went to bed."

"You're going to do great," Hayden said, squeezing my shoulder. Rose giggled when Hayden handed her a cut-up plate, attacking her cheek in kisses. "They wouldn't have hired you if they didn't think you'd have potential."

I smiled at him and quickly finished my pancakes, standing up the second they were in my stomach. Casey wiped Rose's mouth and pecked Hayden's lips goodbye just as he grabbed his blazer and told me to hurry up.

"You're fidgeting," he noted as we made our way to his pick-up truck.

"No shit, Sherlock," I muttered back, listening to his quiet laughter before turning the engine on and reversing out of the driveway.

"The only thing that won't be a good impression is walking in there looking like you're about to break down," Hayden told me, making his way to downtown. "The key is to carry yourself with confidence, Mel."

I didn't answer, looking at him as he continued to speak.

"Chin up," he said first, grinning when he could see me doing exactly that. "Don't shy away from people when they ask you questions. No stuttering because our family has a habit of doing that when we're nervous. When you walk in that place you want to have an aura that draws eyes to you... like an empowerment if that makes sense."

I nodded my head in agreement, looking in the mirror to fix my hair.

"Knowing you, you'll be able to do that well," Hayden chuckled. "Just walk in looking like you're ready to snag the CEO's place even if you are new. Clear your head, too. You've been stressed out since you got on the plane."

I chuckled quietly, running a hand through my hair. "Alright, alright. This is my first big job so you can't blame me for being nervous."

"I know," he simply answered. "It's just weird seeing you all fidgety for once."

I shrugged my shoulders. The rest of the car ride managed to soothe me from the anxiety that was creeping in earlier and by the time we got to the building, I felt completely normal.

"Good luck," he said just as I unbuckled my seatbelt. "If anything happens, just call me, okay?"

I nodded my head, sending him a thankful smile before hopping out of the car. I looked up at the giant building and let out a nervous breath before making my way into the main lobby. Though it was hard to spot, I was clutching my purse like my life depended on it, and it only tightened when I got to the desk and told them my name.

"Oh! You're the new PA," the secretary said, clapping her hands. I felt myself smile. "From what I saw on your resume, you're much better than the last one we had—and prettier."

Immediately, my face began to warm up at the compliment. "Thank you."

"I'll show you to your desk," she said, guiding me to the elevator.

The secretary—whose name I learned was Penny (what a kind lady)—gave me a tour of the floor I would be working on, as well as introducing me to some of the workers near my desk. I won't lie, I was expecting most of them to be snobby and mean but they were very welcoming.

Though I'm sure there will at least be that one person who makes everyone's jobs a living hell.

By the time I was situated by my desk, I didn't feel as anxious as I was when I first walked into the building. I was just about halfway through organizing my desk to my liking before there was a gentle knock on my desk.

I looked up into a pair of bright blue eyes and smiled politely, watching as he returned it and handed me a cup of what smelled like tea.

"Just came here to welcome you to the office," he said, being careful not to mess up what I've done to my desk. "I'm Ethan."

"Amelia," I introduced, shaking his hand.

"How's your first day treating you so far?" He asked, leaning against the wall.

"Pretty good, actually," I replied, chuckling to myself. "The energy here is a lot better than what I expected it to be, to be honest."

Ethan nodded in agreement, grinning. "Everyone thinks that when they first start working here so I don't blame you. Hell, even I did."

I smiled up at him. "Any advice?"

"Just make sure you come in on time and answer the phone whenever it rings," Ethan answered, "and try to look your best—though I don't think that'll be a problem for you."

I could feel a blush making its way across my cheeks and I thanked him shyly, beginning to fiddle with the end of my skirt. He chuckled at my change of demeanour and leaned in a tad bit closer.

"Listen, if you want to get lunch tomorrow maybe we could..."

"I'd love to," I responded, answering his unfinished question.

A smile made it across his face and he opened his mouth to talk more when a rough voice cut him off.

"Shouldn't you be at your desk working, Mr. Taylor?"

Ethan looked to my right and cleared his throat, standing up straight. "Uh, yeah. Sorry, sir." He moved his attention back to me and smiled. "I'll catch you later, Amelia."

I sent a small wave just as he left, disappearing between the cubicle aisles. When I turned to who was speaking, my eyes narrowed at the unimpressed look on their face.

"Already getting close, Ms. Black?" Lucian commented.

"There's nothing wrong with making new friends," I defended, turning in my chair to the computer and using the login information Penny gave me.

"When you're distracting my workers then there is."

I sighed, glancing at him to find him examining my workplace. He looked at the photo of my family, along with Jake's and Ashton's, who was one of my close friends. It was from this recent Christmas with all of the families gathered in front of my parents' fireplace in a bunch of Christmas sweaters.

"Can you come into my office for a moment?" He asked as he straightened himself out, fixing his blazer. "I want to go over what you'll be doing while you're working here."

He left for his office and I could feel my nerves rushing back to me once more. As I stood up, all I could think about was if I actually got this job because of my resume or simply because of whatever sick game Lucian wanted to play.



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