Remembering the past

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Looking up slightly, my gaze met his, and I nodded, giving him a small smile. "You help me see it every day...I'm sorry I upset you earlier...and I'm sorry...about Roy. He's my brother. He just wants to protect me."

Jack nodded, palming my cheek gently. "You're forgiven, Dolci. And I worries me, though. I'm here to protect you now. Roy hurt me...I'm worried he just doesn't understand."

My hand moved up to touch his neck. Deep bruises were already tainting his tan skin. His breath hitched slightly, but he didn't pull away, letting me just examine the damage.

My lip quivered as I ghosted my fingers over the bruises, almost matching up to where Roy's hand was. "He didn't mean it...I know it...i'll talk to him."

Looking up, I watched Jack eye me closely for a moment before nodding. He leaned forward, drawing me into a kiss. It was slow but rough. When he pulled away, he nibbled my bottom lip, giving it a soft tug before sitting up.

He gently moved me under the covers and tucked me in. "Good. I don't want this happening again. It scares me to think I could lose you, Jason... just because Roy is jealous."

Frowning, I started to sit up, ready to defend Roy, but Jack placed his hand on my chest, gently pushing me back down. "It's okay. I understand. He's your brother. But I'm more than that, Jason. I love you."

My breath hitched as my eyes widened, watching him bring my hand up to kiss my palm before tucking me in again.

He loves me?

He stood up and got dressed, leaving me in a state of shock on my bed. "You...I." He turned to me, shushing me softly. "Get some sleep, dolci. I'll see you in the morning."

He kissed my forehead, then clicked off the light. "Talk to Roy, okay? Don't forget." Sighing softly, I nodded and cuddled down under the covers.

My eyes closed as he shut the door. Leaving me in the dark room, exhausted from the day's events. I felt queasy but still relaxed as his words played on repeat in my head. He loved me.

Smiling, I just let myself fall asleep. I'd talk to Roy after dinner and sort this out. It was my responsibility. I would help him understand that Jack could protect me now. He didn't have to be so protective himself anymore.


I gasped awake, sitting up abruptly. Scared and confused. Heaving in shaky breaths as I clutched at my chest. My eyes burned painfully from the tears in them that spilled down my face.

My mind was spinning, causing me to lean back into whatever I had been sitting in. Covering my eyes with my hand to shield it from the sunlight in front of me.

A nightmare. That's all it was.

At least, that's what I was trying to tell myself so I would calm down. It wasn't just a nightmare, though. It was my past.

All the memories of Jack that I had pushed down, locked behind so many walls and barriers in hopes to never remember them again, were all flooding back now.

After saving Tim, they all came back. Seeing Jack's face, hearing his voice, watching as he hurt Tim in front of shook me to my core. I was just glad he was gone now. For good.

Someone who was so manipulative and evil didn't deserve love of any kind. I knew that back then, and I definitely knew it now.

Finally, I opened my eyes again, frowning when I saw white walls and oddly lit fluorescent lights above me.

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