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It's been 2 hours, I have finally removed all the shards of glass from my skin and stopped the bleeding from the most prevalent cuts by applying pressure with paper towels. Bloody paper towels litter the room. 

The gunshot wound on the other hand, won't stop bleeding, no matter how many paper towels I put to apply pressure, I bleed through. I will die at this rate if I don't get patched up with some disinfectant. 

Suddenly, I hear voices shouting from the inside of the hotel. I stiffen and try to listen to what they are saying. It seems that a man is arguing with the lady at the front desk. He's inquiring whether she had seen anyone come into the building bloody, making it obvious that it is a gunman from the Muppet Mafia. 

How they found me so quickly is a mystery, I pray that they don't decide to search the place. Luckily for me it seems that the mafia has it's men spread out thin, with only one man searching this establishment. 

"I could take him!" I think to myself despite the fact I can barely stand and am starting to feel dizzy from blood loss. I'm clearly delusional, but I refuse to go out like this. 

I hear the gunmen's footsteps come towards the bathroom. I quickly get up to hide against the wall next to the door so that if he opens the door, I will be briefly concealed. The door knob starts turning slowly, but then a sword cuts clear through the door.

I am shocked, but I remain silent. I hear the body of the man thunk on the floor and blood starts pooling under the door. 

"What the hell is going on??" I think.

I hear someone push the body to the side and open the door. I brace myself and prepare to fight against this sword-wielding mystery individual.

A figure in a mask walks in, they have not seen me yet, so I take this as opportunity to attack. I kick them in the back and they slam into the wall.

"WHAT THE?" they yell. 

Wait.  I recognize that voice.

"ERIN? Is that you?" I exclaim.

"Ya you dumbass is this how you thank me for saving you?" she says with an annoyed tone, handing me a cloth to press against my gunshot wound. 

Erin and I had worked a mission together about 8 months ago in France where we impersonated bouncers at a club to get information on the drug lords that presided there. She was one of my closest operatives in the Madagascar Mafia until she was promoted to the head of intelligence for the Madagascar Mafia by King Julien. After that, she did not partake in many missions in the field, so naturally we grew apart. 

"I would've managed on my own" I said rolling my eyes with a smile wincing at the pain. 

"Sure you would've" Erin said smiling, "Enough talking we need to get out of here fast, the gunmen are supposed to report back every 10 minutes, and this guy did his last report 8 minutes ago, giving us about 4 minutes until they found out something is wrong and they storm the place."  

How she knows this, I don't know, Erin has her ways. We creep out of the restroom and climb out the window I had broken into. I wonder how a run-down hotel like that still receives service. Erin has her motorcycle parked in the alley. 

"I have a safe house nearby lets patch you up" she says.

We get on the motorcycle and the ride is a blur, I can barely keep my eyes open as a press the cloth on my wound, being careful not to leave a trail of blood that the Muppet Mafia could use to track us down.

About 30 minutes of Erin taking all the back alleys possible to not be spotted, we arrive at barn. Erin quickly opens the doors and rolls her motor cycle. I'm confused, this is just a regular barn with hay and tools. 

Erin takes out her phone and presses a button, and a trap door opens in the ground. It's incredible, hidden in plain sight. 

We walk down the stairs silently and Erin opens 3 doors requiring everything from Face ID, to fingerprints to passwords.

"I like my security ok" she says after the third door. I nod in agreement. 

"Welcome to my cool underground bunker complete with turrets, cameras and lots of guns" she says proudly.

We're gonna give the Muppet Mafia one hell of a fight." I proclaim. 

"They won't know what hit them" Erin agrees. 

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