𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟

Start from the beginning

"Don't you give me no dirty looks / Your father's hip, he knows what cooks / Just tell your hoodlum friend outside / You ain't got time to take a ride / Yakety yak (Don't talk back)" Alice's eyes traveled around the room as she studied the faces of the audience. She did that quite often when they performed. She liked seeing the crowds reactions to the songs they chose. The crowd determined whether or not they were to perform those songs next week. Alice felt herself tense up as her eyes landed on a certain table two rows away from the stage. It was Paul.

"Yakety yak!"

He wasn't alone. John sat on the other side of him and in front of him was George Harrison and a young women. For some reason Alice felt as if her stomach was doing flips, but why? It was only Paul. He was a normal person just like any other person in that bar. Besides, she'd only held a conversation with him twice, there was no reason for her to feel so anxious.

Once the song ended, Ginny sat up straight as Alice flipped her guitar back over so that it was sitting upright. She could feel Paul's eyes on her as she composed herself. She tried her best not to look at him, but she couldn't help but sneak a glance. He was in a white button up with a reddish orange tie as well as a beige blazer. His hair was disheveled making him look as if this wasn't the first bar he and the lads had hit that night. He was sipping on a dark liquor, had to be either whiskey or cognac. Paul smiled at her making her roll her eyes playfully.

Alice pried her eyes away from Paul before leaning over to Ginny and whispering. "3/4 Beatles are here," Ginny raised an eyebrow and looked out into the crowd, her eyes locking with John's instantly. John gave her a small wave.

Ginny blushed and tore her eyes away from the Beatle. "If anyone has any requests please help yourself to the paper on the table in front of the stage." Ginny said to the crowd. "But for now, we're going to perform a song by Motowns finest, The Supremes."

Alice bit her lip and smiled. "So if everyone could start clapping their hands like this," she said and clapped her hands at a certain pace. "That would be much appreciated." The audience, including the three Beatles and mistress, began to clap at the pace Alice had just done.

"Baby, baby." Alice and Ginny sang together.

"Baby, where did our love go?" Alice sang softly, her voice flowing like sweet molasses into one of her grandmothers sugar cookies.

Paul watched with what almost seemed like admiration as Alice strummed her guitar and Ginny clapped her hands, keeping the momentum. Although he wasn't looking at Ginny as much as he was Alice. "They're good." George spoke up. John nodded along. "They're pretty gear."

Paul absently nodded, his mind off on another planet as Alice carried the tune.

"Brian took them on, right?" Pattie, George's girlfriend questioned with curiosity. George nodded. "They're quite amazing, the blonde is a beautiful singer." Pattie gushed. John nudged George and silently pointed to Paul, who was still concentrated on Alice.

"Think he likes her?" John whispered to the couple.

"Are ye bonkers?" George tsked. "He's got Jane." The youngest Beatle protested.

"It's never stopped him before." Pattie pointed out making George roll his eyes. Pattie wasn't wrong. Jane Asher, Paul's girlfriend was always out of town, filming movies and such, leaving Paul all alone. Not that it was exactly right what Paul had done in the past but he couldn't help but feel utterly alone when she was away. She never called, never wrote, only popped in when she was back in London and then left back out again for another job. Suddenly Paul stood up from his chair, walking over to the table in front of the stage where the request paper was.

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