How did it happen...?

Why did it happen...?

How did it get out from hand...?

Why was it unseen even for once...?

How would he cope...?

How would they cope...?

Thousands of thoughts consumed him inviting an headache. Suddenly he jerked as the of something crashing reached his ears and he turned to Haoxuan who was sitting on one full couch with his head down, pieces of broken glass on the floor while his palm bleed uncontrollably. He watched as Haoxuan bought a hand up to his mouth and his shoulders began to vibrate and soon his held back cries filled the room filled with heartbroken souls.

Being the only one standing in the room, Jiyang scanned around, watching everyone's movement and actions and when they heard the loud cries from Haoxuan, they could no longer hold themselves back as they all bursted into tears. Jiyang also couldn't help the lone tear that slipped out.

It wasn't part of the plan, It was never the plan, the plan was easy but how did it turn out complicated?

Then the clicking sound of footsteps filled their ears and everyone wiped their tears like they never cried and soon, a doctor came down the stairs to the living room. Haoxuan immediately jumped on his feet, reaching the doctor while ignoring agonizing pain from his palm.

"Doctor, how is Xiao Zhan?" He questioned, trying to keep his voice from creaking and wavering but he couldn't stop the shaky breathe that came out.

The doctor sighed and adjusted his glasses. "The parents is suffering from a heavy mental break done, if it gets worse, he would need to see a therapist but he would also need to take cautions as the baby inside of him is not fully developed. At his state, he could lose himself and also the baby"

Jiyang blinked a couple of times, stealing glances with Haoxuan who equally wore a confused expression as well as everyone else in the room. "B-baby?"

"Yes, the patient is almost two weeks pregnant which seems to be a miracle as his womb seemed unfit to mold a child" the doctor informed them and everyone let out breath from their mouths.

"Right now, I've given him something that would keep him asleep for two days so his body could slowly recover. Mr Haoxuan I suggest you treat your hand before it gets infected. I'll be on my way, call me when he wakes up. I'm sorry for your lost" the doctor bowed lowly and left the Mansion.

<Two Days Later>

He was conscious but his eyes remained shut, he refused to open them, he refused to see the light, he refused to face reality, he refused to face his harsh and cruel reality but still, a lone tear slipped down from the corner of his eyes. His ears had suddenly became dim, only faint sounds reached his ears while his heart and head pound loudly and heavily.

"I know you are awake Xiao Zhan" a familiar yet distant voice reached his ears but it was like the voice was coming from a very far distance but his eyes remained sealed. He could bare it, he wouldn't be able to bare it.

"Open your eyes Xiao Zhan" the voice came again and he shook his head, he won't open them, he refused to face his harsh fate, he wanted to sleep forever and never see the light again.

"Open your eyes and let it out Xiao Zhan" this time the voice came out slow, soft and tender yet assuring and he couldn't stop it when his eyes fluttered and reality shook him hard. He slowly turned his head to the person sitting on the bed beside his head.

"He's gone, isn't he?" He slowly asked and Jiyang nodded as his eyes suddenly turned glassy.

"We couldn't find his body"

Xiao Zhan slowly nodded and adverted his back to the ceiling. "Is it over?" He voiced out.


It couldn't end like this!


It definitely wouldn't end like this.

But what do you think, is Wang Yibo dead or alive...?

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