34: Played With Fire&Ice

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Fling off his upper coat, Wang Yibo wadded up the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows, his black pants hanging perfectly on his waist and his feets were covered with well polished black leather shoes. His feet were clangorous, hefty steps achoing through out the building as he walked towards his secret basement.

It's about time he played a little.

Reaching the lowest floor of his mansion, one of his men guarding the door opened it for him and he ostentatiously made his way in. Haoxuan and Yuchen were waiting for him with a chair between them and a little table that had his tools. Elegantly,  he sat himself down, three empty chairs a few meters before him.

"Bring them in" he ordered in a deep husky and grim voice.

Without wasting any second, the door opened and three of his men walked in with three other people, a sack over their heads and a robe tied tightly around their wrist from behind. He nodded and they were sat down on the three empty chairs before Wang Yibo and the bags were taken off their heads to reveal Zoe, Taio and FanXing, three of them breathless as they took in their surroundings.

"FanXing?" Taio called with widened eyes seeing his little brother.

"Ge!" Little FanXing also called with expanded orbs.

"Good, you all know each other" Wang Yibo commented gazing at all of them intensively.

"What is the meaning of this Wang Yibo?" Zoe glared at the gruffy man.

Wang Yibo held his palm out and Haoxuan placed a little dagger into his hand, their breathes immediately got caught in their throat, they probably realized they wouldn't make it out alive.

"This has nothing to do with my little brother, let him go!" Taio scowled.

"What do you even want with us?!" Zoe shouted.

Wang Yibo smirked twisting the dagger between his fingers. "Well you see, My old pet just died and I don't have anyone to have fun with so I decided to use you three as replacement for my last pet, it would be fun wouldn't it?" He eyed them sadistically, he rest backwards and crossed his legs. "Do you want to start talking or do you want me force it out from you. Trust me, I don't mind hiting a girl, sometimes you just have to treat girls the hard especially when she's a bitch"

"You are sick!" Zoe spat.

"I guess..." He started rising from his seat and moved towards Taio with the dagger between his fingers, he smirked down at the doctor who was screaming meemies from fear. Slowly, Wang Yibo traced his jawline with his dagger. "They didn't warn you before you started playing with fire. Trust me, you just got burnt" with one swift movement, the little dagger was buried in his left thigh, cries of agony from Taio filled the basement.

Zoe gasped loudly and shook like a leaf.

"Please, we did it because we had no choice!" FanXing wailed in a loud voice.

"Trust me FanXing, you have no idea on who your brother is or what he has done" Wang Yibo said making his way to his chair but just then, the door opened and Xiao Zhan walked in with one of the men.

FanXing's eyes sparkled and he smiled brightly seeing the other was fine and healthy, forgetting the fact that he was in a deadly situation "You are alright!" He proclaimed cheerfully.

Wang Yibo jumped on his feet "What are you doing here, you shouldn't be here!"

"Why can't I?" Xiao Zhan said without void and then his eyes landed on FanXing, they immediately softened. "Untie him" he ordered the man that came with him.

Wang Yibo said nothing but signaled the man with his hand and the man instantly untied FanXing but he remained sitting, rubbing his wrist.

"Thank you Ge" he said to Xiao Zhan who nodded.

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