Chapter 1: First day of Jail, I mean School....

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Moon walked through the loud, loud halls of school.
How could her mother possibly make her come here? Especially when it's a school of all different tribes.
This 'school' was supposed to make everyone come together and she thought that was a great idea, she really did but she had already passed a group of SandWings and SeaWings and none of them mixed whatsoever.

Moon ducked under two NightWings high-fiving each other, feeling both of there disgusted faces as she passes them.

Even if this was the first day, the NightWings already hated her, guess rumors spread around fast. It was quite embarrassing how even her own tribe didn't like her, but that wasn't the worse thing about school: it was that it was so insane and far too much yelling, it felt like her ear drums were being tested each second when a girl would pass by screaming 'BESSTTIEE!!!'
Come down you saw them a second ago Moon eyebrows arched as she touched her forehead.

Moon looked at her watch, class was soon, and she didn't want to be too late or too early. She took out her map of the school, trying to look like she was busy, unlike her lonely, loser self.

"Is it like this...or this.." Moon whispered to herself, turning her map left to right.
She was so distracted trying to figure out this complex map that she felt herself bump into someone.

"I'm so-" she tried to apologize quickly but gravity tilted her, taking her fall off on some stairs, she tried to grab on the pole but she ended up on the floor.
Moon rubbed her forehead, a headache starting to kick in after all the overthinking. She flinched up, remembering she bumped someone.

Oh no.

It was an IceWing.

From all people.

It had to be an IceWing.

The universe was on her side for sure...

"I'm so sorry" She panicky got up, scrapping her kneecaps and held out her hand for him.

He rubbed his palm against his head, making his very white hair proff up. Once he opened his eyes, he very looked angry to see her.

"I don't need your help NightWing" he hissed snatching her hand away. He got up on his own, fixing his tie up.
"What is this some kind of prank?" he scoffed, talking loudly.

"No....?" Moon mumbled, feeling unsure next to this short tempered IceWing.

"Where's your NightWing friends? Huh?" He was now fully recovered and flare at her irritated.

Moon looked at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact and no sure how to answer that question.

"You guys can come out now!!!" He yelled, most of the NightWings looked back at him pretty confused.

He turned back to her, "Alright listen to me, I'm not playing any games. You hear me? Who send you?" he suddenly got a lot closer to her, raging.

It took all's Moon will to look back at his very terrifying cold eyes. She looked back at the floor. Feeling like she had no mouth, not able to talk and not wanting to.

"ANSWER ME!" He yelled so loud that Moon flinched.

"I..I wasn't sent, nobody- I just bumped into you" She hesitantly yelled back at him, closing her eyes.

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