-Chapter 1-

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Felix's biggest expectation of moving to Korea surely wasn't ending up taking English classes just because he was an Aussie and so he could have helped out his classmates. Sadly, it had gone like that and two years had already passed since he had moved. At least, he always said to himself, the other guys could have helped him with his Korean, and he could have checked out both girls and boys while helping them with their grammar.

Felix was bisexual and proud of it, although only his closest friends knew that he wasn't straight. To be fully honest, he had never dated a guy before, but he was pretty sure that he liked checking out equally a boy and a girl's ass.

That day, the day his life took a wild and unexpected turn, a quite cold day in the middle of March, at the beginning of his last high school year, he was waiting for the English teacher to appear and so for the lesson to start. It was only because of that old English teacher that he was basically wasting his hours on that course and, again, it was because of the same teacher if he had signed up even for his last year. There wasn't anything sketchy about that arrangement, it was just that Felix had always been too kind for his own good and when the old man had heard him cursing in English in the hallway and had asked him to join his extra courses instead of giving him a lecture, he just had to take the offer. So, the last thing he expected in that rather uneventful and boring day was to see a very young man, who could have been a student as well, coming into the room while greeting everyone. Felix cocked an eyebrow as the man leaned on the teacher's desk and stared at the whole class, making them all silent in the blink of an eye. He could have been an assistant, but it was rather odd, also seeing the sheer power and control he was already displaying.

«Nice to meet you all, I'm Christopher Bang, my Korean name is Chan, but you will call me just Mr. Bang, got it?» he hailed in English, his accent achingly familiar to Felix.

As his brain registered the words, he couldn't contain a small groan, which he hoped passed unnoticed in the silent classroom. He couldn't believe his luck. He was really going to waste his hours from now on, wasn't he?

«Yeah, sure, we all got it» Felix replied for everyone, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

The new teacher's eyes roamed around for a few seconds before landing on him, his gaze rather intimidating «Thank you, Mr. ...?»

«Lee» the freckled boy, whose freckles were always covered by foundation because he didn't like them, answered shortly «Lee Felix, Sir» he then added, just for the sake of being polite.

«Thank you, Mr. Lee» the teacher nodded at him, barely the hint of a smile at the corners of his lips «Now, starting from there, just present yourself to me and to the class, if you are new, in English, alright?»

The guy that was pointed out started to panic a little and so his English came out quite bad. Felix sighed. He had worked several hours with that dude for helping him with his pronunciation and now it was all wasted. His other classmates went on with the presentations, but, instead of listening to them, he ended up looking at the teacher.

Now that Felix was seeing him better, that man was hot... no, he was even beyond hot. He was probably the same height as Felix, but his chest and shoulders were way bigger. He had rolled up the sleeves of his loose dark green shirt before coming into the class and now the veins in his hands and forearms were clearly visible. While Felix was looking at them, the teacher crossed his arms and suddenly the loose shirt became really tight. Those were some real arms for sure. Why a teacher had to be so fit? Was that even legal? Unable to reply to his own questions, Felix moved his gaze to the man's face, looking at his wavy brown hair and eyes and at his full lips.

While he was checking them out, he figured that they were moving, so he snapped back to reality, finding out that everyone was looking at him in silence.

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