But I trust Taeyong, Yuta and Kun so hopefully they make the right choice.

Yuta POV :

I slammed the phone down. Why would G-Idle do that to us?

This was so wrong and yet....so expected.

I can't pretend I am okay with it but G-Idle has not only ended their allyship with us but they have sided with Hybe.

I, as a leader, should've seen this coming.

However, after a short confliction, I was able to guarantee that GOT7, ATEEZ, SHINee and SKZ would help us.

It was a relief.

I sat down at my desk, about to text Taeyong the news when I was contacted directly by an unknown number.

The message was....well....




<your girl is doing just fine here.

<who the hell are you? what do you mean?

<Y/n? Yeah. She is just awaiting her fate here.


<oh? You didn't know? sorry but your girl will die at the end of this week. on her birthday as the funds in her account will be transferred to Hybe's as soon as she has been confirmed "passed".

<you wouldn't dare.

<oh but i would.

<dont you hurt her.

<who is going to stop me?

<i will. and you'll be begging for your life when I am done Nam-joon.

<keep telling yourself that Yuta.

<oh i will.

< ;)


I knew now that they weren't kidding. Normally I wouldn't be worried but this was different.

I have time to save her.

What if I can't do it?

These thoughts would have to go away because I need to focus on saving her and maybe the mood diamond too.

She was more precious than family to me....

Maybe that's because mine is already gone but I couldn't let the guys lose theirs because of what I want.

This made me think.

Was this the position Renjun was in, when he was trying to save the others and our families at the same time?

Now I get it.

I would have to work faster than ever if I wanted to get her back.

I then picked up the phone and called Kun.

"Hello?" He asked over the phone.

"Kun. Get Taeyong. And I need you all in my office. But do not alarm the others. We need to make a plan now."

"Are the others coming? The other groups I mean?"


"Okay. On my way. Bye."

I didn't say bye but rather just hung up. I had to focus.

I heard some footsteps approach my door and it was the guys, obviously.

"Come in." I said and they came in and sat down, closing the door behind them.

"So what's the matter? Anymore news?"

I nodded. I then scooted my phone to them.

"It's Nam-joon. He isn't kidding around."

Their eyes widened and I watched them closely.

Taeyong wasn't taking this well. He hasn't said a word since he walked into the room and it made me worry.

I then spoke. "Taeyong can you hack their location please? As you know, Chenle is the only left hacker and I don't want to alarm the others."

He nodded and within seconds, he had the IP address.

I don't know what I would do without his hacking and leadership skills.

He used to be the top hacker here before his promotion to a leader and I was a hitman as Kun was an accountant and a saboteur.

We all work so well together, even through our fights.

It was this that has kept me going for so long and it was also this, now, that gives me hope and assurance that we would achieve our goal.

He showed me the IP address and it wasn't a location too far from here.

Luckily, I think....no, I am 100% sure, we would be able to think of a justified plan before it's too late.


so so sorry i havent posted for a bit. i missed it...*cries* but some personal things are happening and it may be a bit before i can post as before. thanks for the patience and not trying to catch me in my sleep and attack me for a cliffhanger 😃😃😃

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