13: 키보드 💻

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Y/n POV :

After dressing...

You walked out your door, and to your surprise, Jungwoo was there

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You walked out your door, and to your surprise, Jungwoo was there.

He looked at you and smiled immediately.

"Good morning darling. How are you?"

You smiled. "Good sleep, if that counts."

He nodded and you walked with him to the kitchen.

The scene reminded you of your first full day here.

Chenle was cooking, Jeno was at the table and Jungwoo was beside you.

The only three that weren't there was Renjun, Jaehyun and Haechan.

You sat down a chair from Jeno and he spoke. "Do you not like me?"

You shook your head. "It's not that."

He smiled. "So you like me?"

Your face heated as you soon got flustered. "No I mean, like, I mean-"

He interrupted you. "Kidding. Only kidding babe."

You nodded and then your eyes shot to him as he said "babe".

Soon focusing on Chenle bringing you eggs, you began to think.

They were getting a bit too comfortable about calling you certain names and being around you in general.

You didn't know why but what you did know was that they were being way too nice.

Time Skip~

After finishing half your plate, a few guys came into the kitchen.

It was Sungchan, Kun, Seonghwa and Jongho.

"Good morning Y/n." Kun said and you looked at him.

"Hi." You replied.

He then spoke. "You'll be having a few lessons, as Taeyong mentioned and today's lessons entail hacking."

He motioned Sungchan, Seonghwa and Jongho forward.

"You'll be learning with these guys and a few other people."

He informed and you nodded.

"By all means, finish eating though. We have all day. You will receive breaks though."

Seonghwa said and though Kun wasn't happy with his abrupt decision of leadership, he didn't care and you found it cute.

"Thank you." You said and he smiled.

Time Skip~

You were now sitting in a room with many people.

Seonghwa, Jongho, Sungchan, Chenle. Taeil, Soojin, Shuhua, Minho, and Mark Tuan.

You would be learning with one group and simply viewing the others.

"Y/n?" Taeil asked, catching your attention.

"You can pick five people to learn with. Either in a big group or individually if you wish."

He had a plain emotion and you looked around.

You made your decision quite soon.

"I choose Minho, Mark Tuan, Seonghwa, Soojin, and um...y-you."

He smiled and spoke. "Individually?"

You nodded and he spoke. "You can learn with Soojin first. She will explain the basics."

After walking over to her, you sat down and she spoke kindly.

"Hi. I'm Soojin."

"Y/n." You said and she began to show you the basics.

"So let's start with passwords." She said and typed a bit.

She was so fast, you couldn't realize what she was doing.

Soon she slid the keyboard to you and spoke. "Do what I just did."

Your palms were sweaty but you put them to the keyboard and typed a bit.

Your memory was better than you thought and she smiled as you completed the task.

"Wow. Amazing for a newbie." She smiled and you were a bit shy from her genuine praise.

"I took a computer science class in school, as an extracurricular activity."

She raised her eyebrows, impressed and she proceeded to show you a few more things on hacking accounts and passwords.

Next, you moved onto Seonghwa.

You sat down and he smiled at you. "Hi. My name is Seonghwa but you can call me Hwa."

You felt heat rise in your cheeks, simply at his voice and you nodded, refusing to speak.

Soon he began showing you harder tasks.

He held the back of your hands and showed you what keys to press.

His hands were soft and he whispered in your ears.

"You're doing great." He said and you smiled a small smile.

Taeil POV :

I didn't like the way he was treating her.

He was whispering in her ears sensually and touching her hands.

"Hey!" I yelled and she looked at me.

Her eyes were immediately struck with fear and it phased me.

"After your done, just go to your room."

"Why?" She asked and had the most adorable look on her face.

I stuttered. "B-because Kun said s-so."

She nodded and finished what she was doing.

Then Chenle spoke to me. "But Kun didn't say that."

"She can practice something else. She doesn't need more than the basics."

He then shrugged and I watched her stand up. "I'm going now."

"I'll take you."

She nodded and walked beside me to her room.


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