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One day, Fay and her family got into a taxi in order to go order to go to the museum in Lumiose City. Fay, who was three at the time, had to be strapped into her car seat. The taxi man didn't really appreciate this since he had more runs to do. But the family paid him an extra five pokedollars for waiting so he was appeased the moment that the cash was in his hands.

"Is Faith all strapped in?" Fay's mother asked. Faith was Fay's real name but her parents always called her by her real name and only her older brother called her.
"Yep." Fay's father said. "Okay, let's head to the museum now."

The taxi took off at blinding speed because the museum was only a three block drive away from where Fay and her family had gotten on the taxi. Unfortunately, the taxi collided with another taxi that was driving another family to a restaurant in Lumiose. Fay's parents and brother died upon impact, as did the two taxi drivers and the family in the other taxi. Three-year-old Fay was the only survivor.


Once she was at the hospital, doctors said that she should have died upon impact like the other victims and she was very lucky to escape with a broken neck and two broken legs. But, little did doctors know, another miracle was soon to occur. Young Fay only took a month to recover from her injuries and she was immediately scheduled to be put in adoptive care.

Unfortunately, Fay knew how to walk and had a curious mind just like any other little kid her age. Upon going outside the hospital, supervised by one of her doctors, she saw the tail of a Charmander and immediately became curious. She started to wander off and the doctor started calling her name but she ignored him and kept walking. The doctor even picked her up and tried to take her back inside but Fay managed to get out of his grasp and run towards the tail.

A search party was organized when the doctor failed to find the young girl. They combed through all the woods countless times before finally presuming her dead. The entire city of Lumiose held a candlelight vigil the night that she was pronounced dead. Tons of Pikachu balloons were released into the sky.

No one ever knew what truly happened to Fay. Some had hope that she was still alive, others thought that she starved to death within days of being lost.

But, little did they know, the young girl was being a group of abused and abandoned Pokemon.

This is Fay's story. Oh, and mine as well.

Raised By Pokémon {A Pokémon fanfiction} (Pokémon Watty Awards 2015)Where stories live. Discover now