Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

“Can we go to Tyler’s party afterwards?” Caroline asks in a small voice.

We both turn to look at her and there is a pleading look in her eyes. Stefan and I glanced at each other.

“Yes,” I say.

“No,” Stefan says at the exact same time.

“Why not?” I argue. “It’ll be good for her to be around her friends again since she hasn’t seen them in such a long time. Plus, she’s feeding right before she goes and we’ll be there to keep an eye on her.”

Caroline nods quickly and gives Stefan a pleading look.

Stefan sighs. “Fine.”

We take Stefan’s car out into the woods where Stefan teaches Caroline how to catch bunnies and where I just roll my eyes in disgust. Bunny blood was honestly not that great compared to fresh blood from the human vein. After Caroline has fed, we head over to the Lockwood property to join Tyler’s party.

“Why is that bitch with Matt?” Caroline immediately points to a petite girl with dark hair who appears to be flirting with Matt.

“Who is she?” I ask.

“Amy Bradley.” Caroline spits out her name. “All the guys like her ass but really, she’s just some bimbo.”

I stifle my laughter and Caroline turns her glare on me. I hold out my hands in defense.

“Caroline, why don’t you go talk to Matt,” suggests Stefan.

Caroline stalks over to them and smiles at Matt. Stefan turns to me.

“You think she’ll be alright?”

“Yeah,” I say. “She has brilliant control. She’s good.”


It is dark now and the party is pretty much over. Tyler wanted everyone to leave before dark since he claimed his family would be liable if someone got wasted and ended up at the bottom of the pond. I had hung out with Caroline and Stefan for the whole day since Matt was apparently mad at Caroline. Hanging out with Stefan had been tolerable since we kept the conversation between us to a minimum. The day had been all about Caroline.

Suddenly, Stefan’s phone rings and he goes to take the phone call. I watch as Caroline keeps staring wistfully at Matt and finally shove her forward.

“Go talk to him,” I instruct.

“He’s mad me at!” she protests.

“Go talk to him.”

Caroline glances over at Matt before she smiles. “Okay.”

I watch as she walks over to Matt. Suddenly, Tyler slides in beside me, replacing Caroline.

“What?” I scowl at him.

“Whoa, what did I do?” He holds out his hands defensively.

I sigh. “Nothing, just get lost Tyler. I’m not in the mood to be dealing with your usual bullshit.”

“Someone seems to have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed.”

I punch him. Hard. He yelps in response.

“Okay, okay! I’m leaving, bye!” He scrambles off to help with the rest of the clean-up.

Stefan comes back up to me with a worried look on his face that makes me tense up instantly.

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