Just then the stage lights turned on, grabbing everyone in the crowds attention. Nagito and Hiyoko stopped bickering and Hiyoko quickly walked over to Mahirus side, effortlessly connecting her hand with the photographers which landed a warm smile on her face.

Nagito had returned to Mikans side and Hajime had managed to convince Chiaki to actually pay attention to the concert rather than the Switch she had in her hand.

Mikan looked up at the stage, feeling excitement bubble up in her stomach. She felt herself holding her breath, she was gonna see if Nagito was right or not.

"Hell-oo Towa City!" The mystery person spoke into the mic, the crowd irrupted into cheers and whistles. "Is everyone ready for a rocking good time!?" The crown grew louder, Mikan whimpered a little at the sound of loud crowd.

She grabbed onto Nagitos arm, he smiled at Mikan. "Ah don't worry Mikan, if you're frightened you can hold onto my arm. I don't mind." Mikan smiled at her best friend, "Th-thank you.."

'That voice...is that really who I think it is..' Mikan looked back up at the stage, as the light turned on and shone down on the mystery person. Mikans eyes widened, her mouth opening in shock.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Ibuki shouted into the mic, "Everyone should know this song!" The lights went dim for a while.

A/N: i squeezed out the baby, yet I have no idea who the father is <3
TW// this song is very inappropriate and if anyone does not like that sorta thing you may skip over it

Drumsticks could be heard smacking against each other and when the lights came back on is when Ibuki started playing.

"In college, I spent all my days, my back, my shoulders, thighs. Exposed in most material ways, to make it through the night."
"I tried protection but did it stay on? Well it didn't, that is why I've got to lug around this fleshy nine month whore-ish crown."
"The father, Jacob, Jason, or Dean; who knows? Who is the face?"
"Who is the man who planted the seed inside below my waist, I'm trying to eat healthy, this baby has some picky taste. You probably would like to know the, one, two three four!" Mikan was amazed, it really was Ibuki! But the song....Mikan couldn't help but feel a little.....jealous?? Why was she jealous..?

"Five ways that I'll reach around this fucking instrument without a second chance to write this song about the man who put his dong inside of me, why can't I see the face that's looking longingly. Up at the eyes who can not cry about the child that is a."
"Lie straight to the face of mom who thought I had it with a blonde, with Christian morals and the fix, but it's from anonymous dick." (Ok that part made me laugh)
"I pushed it out and with a pout, I looked at her face short and stout, I couldn't recognize the eyes the baby had, I'm freaking out!" Mikan knew this possibly couldn't be based a real story, that would mean Ibuki was straight or had a kid. Neither of those felt right to her.

"I squeezed out the baby, was it Tyler, Mark, or Brady? Man my memory is hazy of the man who, helped me make this creature. Did I have it with my teacher? Then again he's just some scholar guy that I blew." Mikan would ask her about it when she met up with Ibuki tomorrow.

Ibuki played the guitar solo for a bit, the crowd cheering and was singing along with Ibuki. Mikan couldn't but feel excited, even if the music was loud, she was watching Ibuki perform. Mikan didn't understand this feeling in the pit of her stomach however, why was she so nervous if Ibukis songs were real or not? It's not like anyone would like her like that, especially not Ibuki. Mikan kept telling herself that, so that way the feeling of nervousness would go away. But to no avail.

Ibuki started singing again.

"In college, I spent all my days, my back, my shoulders, thighs. Exposed in most material ways to make it through the night."
"I tried protection but did it stay on? Well it didn't, that is why I've got to lug around this- one, two three four!"
"Five year old that still I hold. She has brown hair and eyes of gold, and I still don't identify the man that gave her amber eyes."
"So now I scan for, through the man's anonymous, I have a plan. Cause DNA will not decay, I'll test her spit to find out."
"Who and where the father is, who gave me children with his jizz." (Can't believe I just wrote that)
"Who came and went no money spent in child support to pay my rent. Results came back, my jaw is slacked. He banged me in his Cadillac."
"The man dented my can he was no other than this rich fuck, Jack!"
"I squeezed out the baby!"
"Jack's the father, this crazy! Man the fuck was pretty lazy on his own part."
"So the man who gave me this illegitimate baby, changed my whole life."
"Baby gravy from his, bleeding heart."

The Guitarists Savior (Bandaid/Tsubuki)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن