Good Night Sweet Wizard

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Crowley sat on the bed as Eden rubbed her eyes, her full belly making her feel even drowsier.

"Did you enjoy your extra slice of cake Queenie?"

"Yeah," Eden replied as she turned to the open window. "Bye Alba, I'll be sure that Papa and I will make you a scrummy treat to thank you for today."

The Barn Owl dipped his noble head and with a stroke of his magnificent wings, flew off into the starlit sky.

Aziraphale pulled the window shut before he gave Eden one last kiss, shutting the blue TARDIS door shut behind him.

"Now, birthday girl, have I told you how proud of you I am?" Crowley crooned as he tucked Eden in, making sure his daughter and Ducky was warm and snug underneath her tartan blanket.

"Yes Daddy, many times."

"Good, because I am." He leaned forward and pecked her on the cheek. "You're growing up much too fast." Crowley's voice wavered for a split second as he gazed into her blue serpentine eyes.

"Seems like only yesterday you were just my baby girl....that was so tiny and you're conjuring money, slinging wands and warding cake into existence."

Eden giggled. "Daddy, can you read me one more Chapter before you leave?"

"Papa already read to you Queenie."

"But you haven't read to me in awhile...." Eden could somehow make her serpentine eyes appear puppy like.

"Oh fine, anything for the birthday girl!" Crowley relented, grinning, as he grabbed the book lying on the bedside table.

Eden was lulled to sleep by her father's narration of a world filled with watches, wizards, whomping willows, basilisk, and Quidditch.....

Crowley set down the book when Eden finally fell asleep. Crowley planted a gentle kiss on her forehead and ran a hand through her wild dark red curls. "Good night little wizard."

"You took your time." Aziraphale said as he handed Crowley a glass filled to the brim with wine.

"Heh, sorry angel. The birthday girl requested that I read her a chapter before bed." Crowley grinned as he took as sip of wine.

"Well in that case, I it was time well spent." The husbands sat on the couch, cuddling close. The sound of the wood crackling in the fireplace was the only sound that could be heard.

"Our little wizard is growing up so fast." Aziraphale surmised.

"Yeah." Crowley murmured.

"She's looking more like you the older she gets..." Aziraphale continued, smiling broadly.

"Nah, angel, she's always looked like you. Hands down. I swear on the Bentley!"

"Dear boy, really now, with her red hair being the same hue as yours and those pupils, she is the spitting image of you!"

"No angel, she is practically your clone, a softer, more delicate, feminine clone. Although I don't know where she gets's those broad shoulders from..." Crowley's words started to slur.

"We'll just have to agree to disagree." Aziraphale decided.

"Of course." said Crowley.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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