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I'm sure that in anyone's everyday life, there comes a time when they regret something greatly. Whether that be something they did once as a child or something they continuously do daily, I suppose that in this case, I began to rethink my life decisions. Life is full of surprises and before you know it, life can end in a literal heartbeat. That is what was happening right now, it's like everything is in slow motion. I suppose I wasn't ready to die but what can you do?  The surface was getting farther and farther and there was no hope left for me.

~ three weeks earlier-
Winter 2020, December never felt so good.  I was just promoted at my office to be an assistant head accountant, and I knew it was going to be a great year. The only thing I thought about that could give me issues was one of my coworkers. He is ridiculous and so idiotic. It is like he is an alien from another world whenever he decides to speak.

Every time I saw him at work I wanted to punch him, and it certainly did not help that he argued with me about almost every little thing.

"You're doing it wrong."
"Not like that!"
"Did your mother raise an idiot or something?"
"This is why British people have no sense of taste."
"Honestly, if I were caught wearing that, I would save everyone the trouble and just kill myself."
"God, eyebrows, you make the workplace so gloomy, can you try being a little more tolerable?"
"If you look at me again, I won't hesitate to fight."
"God, you smell like a failure...."

I suppose it didn't help that I argued back at times. But can you blame me? He was an idiot!!!

"I'm sure that someone who gets everything wrong will be able to realize that."
"Not like what? Like this?"
"Did your father walk out on you and is that why you act like a troubled child? If you are going to have daddy issues, at least be kinky about it."
"And this is why French people are whores for cheese! I thought you were a frog, not a rat! I guess anyone can cook!"
"You should take your advice and do it.... kill yourself."
"Can you try not being so annoying all the time?"
"What's stopping you? Besides the obvious fact of being a pussy."
"God, you smell like an idiot."

Can you blame me though? He made me want to fight back with him all the time.

The office was full of all different types of people, and I was able to work very closely with them, but I was debating on if this was really what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I looked up from my desk and made eye contact with Francis. He stuck his tongue out at me and gave me an ugly look. It took me aback, and I just threw the finger at him.

Anything he did pissed me off to an extreme extent. If he even existed, it made me angry to look at him. This all started because of him too! I tried to be nice to him when we first met two years ago, but he wanted to act like a complete asshole toward me, and I had no other choice but to treat him the same.

"You are looking amazing today, Arthur, did you do something different?" Francis asked. "Oh please, I know damn well you are hiding a snarky remark," I spat. "Hehehe, you make it too easy Arthur. You sit there, and I just think about how miserable you are and it.... it makes me happy," he laughed. I began to glare at him, and he got closer to me. "If you find me so repulsive, why come so close?" I asked annoyed.
"I just want to make sure you are real and not the drugs I took this morning," he laughed. He turned away from me, and I was so close to pouncing on him and swinging.

The days were like this for the most part, and I never understand what his deal was with me. I've seen the way he acts around other people, and it is way more nice and kind. He never gave me a reason why he hated me, but if there was no reason at all, then that is ridiculous. He is the peak embodiment of someone who is an extreme asshole.

I think I should really just find a new job after this year. "Arthur! We have a new employee, and I need you to show him the ropes and make him feel comfortable. Francis will be working beside you, so try not to argue so much in front of the new guy," my boss Ludwig spoke. My eyes widened at the sudden information as a young man looked at me. I breathed out defeated and nodded "alright, I'll do it," I said, forcing a smile.

Ludwig called Francis over, and I saw the evil smile plastered across his face. "Well, I'll leave the two of you to it and head back to my office," Ludwig spoke. We both nodded and turned back to the new guy. "My name is Alfred, and I just graduated from the university," he laughed. I nodded and looked to Francis, who gave a thumbs up to him. "I'm Arthur, and this is Francis, and we hope you like working here," I spoke.

"Oh yeah.... can you take over, Arthur? I forgot that I needed to get something from my car."
"Yeah, you got this"
"Bye!" He laughed. Francis rushed away and left me alone with the new guy. "I'm sorry about that; he is an idiot," I spoke. Alfred began to laugh hard and reassured me. "Don't worry about it; I understand how you feel. I'm guessing the two of you don't get along much?" he suggested, and I nodded. "What can you do" I laughed with a smile. This guy seemed like he was going to be nice. Hopefully, Francis doesn't ruin it.

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