Chapter sixteen

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She thought it was nice that June insisted so kindly to walk her home just to make sure the girls hadn't followed her to continue there vile encounter .

Oblivious to the fact that June never did anything without a ulterior motive , and June was never kind without a reason to be.

Unaware of how easily she had shared her safe place with a girl she had never met before today , all because she so desperately wanted a friend .

Hope was a dangerous thing to have in the company of a girl who thought nothing pure about her gullible nature .

Only letting it go because for once someone else's innocence was a open door for leverage and information on her soon to be close friend.

June's father was going to be burst at the seams of his too tight pants when she told him she had found a job and a new friend all in the same day.

She couldn't wait . Another step on the road , one step at a time to a destination only she would know .

This was all working out just too perfectly for the girl . She couldn't have scripted any of this much better at all.

So June laughed as she squinted into the sun "As new as new can be I suppose . I'm from England if the accent hadn't give it away." She grinned cheekily over at Cora once more , who's cheeks seemed to be permanent tinted like a cherry . It was cute .

"Oh?" Cora breathed imagining what a life in England would be like .

"That's quite a change . How are you liking it on this side of the world?" She asked her politely,  fiddling with the bag on her shoulder nervously .

June's grin took a edge of mischievousness , her eyes sparkling as she breathed in the fresh smell of grass , grass and oh more grass!

"Well at first I wanted to rip out my fathers heart with some pliers and choke him out with his own bloody intestines -" she replied .

Ignoring the wide eye look she received from Cora at her oddly specific description of murder .

She shrugged casually after a moment "- but then I settled right in and I'm finding that maybe this change isn't going to be so bad after all . A fresh start and all that stuff that everyone talks about . " she smirked,  thinking back to jett who was still constantly buzzing her phone after she had forgotten to reply to his text over an hour ago now .

She had put her phone on silent , secretly pleased that he was so needy to be talking to her . Wanting to know where she was and if she was okay and most importantly how much he missed her .

It was sweet really . Having a big , scary , hulk of a man turn so soft hearted over her . She really couldn't complain, it was nice having someone care so much about her already .

She briefly wondered what it would feel like if her father cared for her as much as jett did before banishing the needy thought from her brain.

She didn't need him . She had jett now . And jett was much more attentive and much better than her father could ever be .

So yes , she was really bathing in the warmth of her luck right now . Crossing her fingers and hoping with every fibre in her body that it would last .

"Plus I've got you now , a fellow artist who I'm hoping would be open to a new friendship with me?" She carefully let her voice be kind and airy , not looking away from the scattered daisies between the grass around them .

She didn't need to look to see the shocked and elated look that lit up Cora's face , she could feel the hopefulness and desperation coming off the girl in waves . Holding back a wince at the bright eyed look that was currently being beamed back at her .

She was really hoping her first invitation for friendship would be worth it in the end .

Cora felt like she was holding back tears as she looked at June's calm and pretty face wondering if she had heard her wrong . There was no way someone as cool and pretty as June wanted to be her friend . She felt like she was dreaming .

"Really?" She breathed out amazed before quickly nodding her head before she could take it back and revoke her friendship .

"Yes , yes ! I would be -I I would really like to be your friend . Are you serious?" The words poured out of her mouth ungracefully , her heart beating quickly in her chest .

June nodded with a smile , shooting her a look of careful confusion .

"Of course ? I wouldn't lie to you . I would like to be your friend , it's not like I know anyone else in this tiny town and from what I've seen I'm not sure I want to." She muttered eyebrow raised at the thought of those horrid girls. No thank you.

Cora grinned happily "well I accept ! Thank you !" She exclaimed unable to contain her delight , she couldn't wait to tell her mother that she had made a new friend .

Never mind one as amazing as June , she was going to be thrilled!

June giggled softly feeling something in her heart lighten at the look of genuine amazement and awe Cora was bestowing upon her .

She was really glad that she had met Cora , she seemed sweet and in much need of human interaction with another girl her own age . She could give her that at least.

Plus despite her own scheming mind she couldn't help but admit to herself that this wasn't all about Manipulating the girl . It wouldn't hurt to have a friend her own age .

She had never had one before .

She wondered if this new warm feeling in her chest was something that she had been missing out on all these years . It was nice . Cora was nice . This really wasn't so bad .

As they came up to the start of a long path that lead to a brown wooden gate they came to a stop , Cora looking between her cottage home and her new friend eagerly , her mind racing and her heart pounding . She had never felt so happy .

Tucking her hair behind her ear she rocked on the back of her heels "do you - I mean - do you want to go to a party with me this weekend?" She rushed out before she could loose her nerve .

Watching the look of surprise that flittered across June's face she quickly carried on

"I don't usually go . I don't really know many people and I wouldn't know what to say but I've heard from belle at college that there's going to be one thrown on Saturday night . I just thought that I would be cool if we went together -" she was rambling "I mean you don't have to ! I've never been to one before either and-" before she could run out of breath June's sweet laughter filled the air between them.

Unable to stop herself from smiling brightly at Cora's flustered face , flattered by the proposal . How easy she had already been let into her life . She wasn't going to deny this free ticket , she wasn't an idiot after all . The more people she got aquatinted with , the more that would be on her side if things ever went wrong .

This was going so perfectly she wanted to cry , laugh and scream . She couldn't wait to tell Jett.

"Of course I'll go with you . I've never been to a party before either so we'll pop this cherry together yeah?" She giggled winking at the girl before stepping back and hiking up her bag on her shoulder as she calculated when her father would be back from work . For once she couldn't wait to see him.

Waving her goodbye she walked away from Cora's stunned face and called over her shoulder

"You have my number , text me the details and plans! And don't let anyone push you around Cora , you're much too sweet for that!" Before disappearing around the corner with a grin .

She was as sweet as sweet could be .

Luckily for her June had always had a bit of a sweet tooth and a little sugar in doses never hurt anybody .

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